Connect music and math through the study of jazz. In this music lesson, students learn about the use of fractions in…
In this project, students will research a notable African-American scientist and then create a social media account for…
Students read and respond to literary selections that either portray the Harlem jazz scene or were written during the…
Learn about the challenges faced by today's African-American community.
This comprehensive lesson uses Billy Holiday's song "Strange Fruit" as a discussion point for the history of lynching in…
Celebrate Women's History Month (March) and Black History Month (February) with this printable multiple-choice quiz…
In this lesson students explore how many different rhythmic combinations can be improvised in a jazz/blues piece of…
These lessons and activities explore sound and how sound is defined in jazz.
Enhance understanding with a teaching guide for the Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, which provides…
The Rodney King incident exposed racism in the L.A. police department, and triggered five days of violent rioting.
Enhance understanding with a teaching guide for Hansberry's Raisin in the Sun contains an annotated list of characters,…
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is observed on January 21, 2019. Celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. King with these…
This teaching guide for Angie Thomas's award-winning YA novel on racism, activism, and identity features discussion…
Discover a list of places you and your students could photograph for inclusion in the Black History Virtual Field Trip.
Learn about the Civil Rights Movement through literature. The Help by Kathryn Stockett is told through the point of view…
Enhance understanding with a teaching guide that offers books about African-American history and culture appropriate for…
Explore late eighteenth-century life in America with the discussion topics and cross-curricular activities in this…
This collection of poems from three highly regarded and important African American poets focuses on groundbreaking poems…
Looking for fun activities to get your kids into Black History Month? Try these trip ideas that will make…
Introduce Gospel music while explaining lyrical meaning and cultural values. This is an excellent music lesson to use…
Visit New Bedford, Massachusetts, which was an integral part of the Underground Railroad.
Print this word search to introduce to or review with students well-known black celebrities and historic figures in UK…
Learn about the legislation that was passed to end segregation within the American public school system.
Take Black History Month projects to new heights with this coding project This Hour of Code lesson from Vidcode will…