This Newbery Medal winner tells the mythical tale of a legendary hero: 12 year old Jeffrey Magee – known as Maniac…
In this project, students will research a notable African-American scientist and then create a social media account for…
Follow these guidelines for conducting a Cultures Day event, where students teach each other about various cultures.
Learn about the challenges faced by today's African-American community.
Celebrate Women's History Month (March) and Black History Month (February) with this printable multiple-choice quiz…
Read about Jackie Robinson's achievements, and explore the related activities to learn more about this pioneering…
Explore the key people and events of the Civil Rights Movement in the United States. A great resource for Black History…
Students learn about the history of segregation in the United States by reading about the Little Rock Nine, a courageous…
Read about Langston Hughes's, an african american poet who is considered one of the best of all times. This biography…
The Rodney King incident exposed racism in the L.A. police department, and triggered five days of violent rioting.
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is observed on January 21, 2019. Celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. King with these…
Students will explore ragtime music and gain an understanding of its development in relation to jazz. They will also…
Discover a list of places you and your students could photograph for inclusion in the Black History Virtual Field Trip.
Find fun and educational arts & crafts activities to enjoy while celebrating Kwanzaa. Introduce students who may be…
Develop research and composition skills with this Black Biographies activity for Black History Month (February) or…
The political figures listed in this worksheet made history when they were elected or appointed to their position in the…
Students read an overview of the Harlem Renaissance, a period of intellectual and artistic achievement in Harlem. They…
Photo of the Old South Meeting House in Boston; Phillis Wheatley was a member of the congregation.
Enhance understanding with a teaching guide that offers books about African-American history and culture appropriate for…
Explore late eighteenth-century life in America with the discussion topics and cross-curricular activities in this…
This collection of poems from three highly regarded and important African American poets focuses on groundbreaking poems…
Share the story of Martin Luther King Jr.'s achievements, and assign the related activities to your students to help…
This article depicts the story of Alice Parker, an African-American woman who invented a gas furnace for central heating…
Looking for fun activities to get your kids into Black History Month? Try these trip ideas that will make…