Distribute an article that details the various types of African folk tales and gives examples of them. You can use this…
Get the most out of reading African folk tales by using these worksheets. This is a great lesson plan to use during…
Bring Dr. King's legacy into your classroom with this comprehensive activity packet for grades K-6. From ELA word…
A wealth of resources, lesson plans, and activities that can be used with the story Teammates by Peter Golenbock.
This African legend tells the tale of an elderly Maasai man who gets help from an unlikely source -- Venus!
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is observed on January 21, 2019. Celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. King with these…
In this art activity, students make their own African tribal masks.
A great in-class or take-home activity for Black History Month! Students will assemble this informative lift-tab book…
Find fun and educational arts & crafts activities to enjoy while celebrating Kwanzaa. Introduce students who may be…
This printable coloring book page features Jackie Robinson, the legendary African-American baseball player. Use this…
Children read a short biography of the African-American inventor George Washington Carver, who discovered hundreds of…
Enhance understanding with a teaching guide that offers books about African-American history and culture appropriate for…
Distribute a printable social studies and writing activity on Harriet Tubman that focuses on recognizing people…
Students will learn about famous African-Americans while they have fun coloring, with this printable activity book. The…
Looking for fun activities to get your kids into Black History Month? Try these trip ideas that will make…
Students will colour their way to learning about civil rights activist Rosa Parks! This colouring book page is a fun way…
Read about Garrett Morgan, a famous African-American inventor, and color in the picture.
In this story a family facing drought turns to a stranger, Drylongso, for help.
During the 1950s and early 1960s, African American workers at many large-scale bakery factories weren't allowed to work…
Dig Deeper project-based learning units are a multisensory and interdisciplinary approach, incorporating learning styles…
This coloring book page features a picture of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Civil Rights leader and American icon, and a…
This Readers Theater script for The Drinking Gourd, by F. N. Monjo, deals with Tommy discovering runaway slaves hidden…
This printable coloring book page features Sarah Breedlove Walker, African-American inventor of a hair softener and…
Coloring book page with picture of Dr. Daniel Hale Williams, African-American surgeon. It includes a brief biography of…