Distribute a reading selection and an assignment dealing with frog mutation.
Introduce your students to a lab that evaluates students' ability to identify and describe a desirable beak design,…
Integrate mathematics and science with the activities in this lesson for If You Hopped Like a Frog by David Schwartz.…
Develop pupils' reading comprehension and critical thinking skills with the questions in this printable teacher's guide…
In this printable, children will make a story prediction by previewing the pictures in Six Darn Cows, a classic tale by…
Create a butterfly garden in your classroom to teach children about the life cycle of an insect. This hands-on science…
Enrich a classroom discussion of The Cats of Roxville Station, written by Jean Craighead George and illustrated by Tom…
This reading guide includes class discussion questions and extension activities for The Leanin' Dog by K. A. Nuzum.…
Take our quiz on cats to see if you know it all about these famous felines.
Recall famous birds from cartoons, fairy tales, sports teams, and television shows to answer the questions in this quiz.
From Secretariat to Big Brown, test students' knowledge of the most storied event in horse racing: the Kentucky Derby.…
This printable teacher's guide includes background information, lesson-planning ideas, activities, and worksheets for…
Share in Katie Kazoo's love of animals by hosting a Pet Appreciation Day! Students bring in drawings, photographs,…
Students consider the animal in a story and list 10 characteristics that are similar to those of humans.
Set up a maze for a rodent to run through. How does it find its way from one end to the other?
Students complete word problems involving probability, with a reptile theme.
Put together a handy tool for matching different snake species with their preferred food source.
Use the patterns contained in this printable to create a tool for teaching reptile and amphibian vocabulary.
Students learn how species of amphibians and reptiles are classified.
Students are challenged to make an educated guess about the nature of endothermic and ectothermic animals.
Research the natural defense mechanisms of various species of amphibians.
Students learn which reptiles and amphibians are on the endangered species list.
Students use coordinate graphing techniques to draw a picture of the Tuatara reptile.
Use a printable that contains information and advice about keeping reptiles and amphibians as pets.