To encourage critical reading, teachers should ask students questions about the text before, during, and after they…
Present this Common Core-aligned lesson plan for the book The Very Hungry Caterpillar to help students practice story…
Encourage your students to activate their prior knowledge with this lesson plan on The Three Little Pigs.
This gallery features information on children's author Eric Carle's 10 best books. Each slide also features a related…
When we read aloud to students, we expand their imaginations, provide new knowledge, support language acquisition, build…
Vocabulary development is critical to success in reading To develop students' vocabulary, teachers must encourage a…
Use a lesson that is designed to expand primary students' summarizing skills using the book Cloudy With a Chance of…
Employ a printable reading activity that helps build skills in following written directions.
Use a lesson that is designed to expand the skill of sequencing for primary students, using the text The Hare and the…
Students read a short, nonfiction passage about mountains and answer multiple-choice reading comprehension questions.…
This choice board packet includes 16 different activities you can use with early readers to help them build fluency with…
Teach your students how to find the main idea of a story by reading the book Chrysanthemum with your class.
Use a lesson that is designed to teach primary students to make inferences as a reading comprehension with a strategy.…
Set up a "reading buddies" program with your students by pairing older and younger students together to read aloud to…
Enhance reading comprehension with an activity that is based on facts about the moon.
Encourage your students to activate their prior knowledge with this lesson plan on A House is a House for Me.
In this printable reading warm-up, students read a nonfiction passage on the invention of Coca-Cola® and answer reading…
Help students identify main idea and supporting details with this printable graphic organizer. This printable is…
Students read a passage of fantasy fiction and answer comprehension questions in this printable daily warm-up.
Encourage your students to activate their prior knowledge with this lesson plan on The Popcorn Book.
Review the enrichment activities and web resources created for The Very Hungry Caterpillar, plus a bibliography of Eric…
Finalize your lessons on how to find the main idea of a story by reading the book The Great Kapok Tree with your class.
In this lesson, you will teach students how to use Question-Answer Relationships by reading from Frog and Toad Together,…
Syllable awareness is one component of phonological awareness. Students gain the ability to hear phonemes that comprise…