Cover the topic of sibling rivalry with this book for younger readers, My Rotten Redheaded Older Brother.
Solve this logic problem with your students involving their family. This worksheet includes several FutureFit Extension…
Distribute a printable social studies activity that focuses on personal/family facts.
Increase social studies skills with an activity that focuses on family history. This activity helps students understand…
Distribute a printable social studies activity that presents a family members wordsearch.
Use a teaching guide that includes discussion ideas and activities for use with The Color of Home.
Try a math activity that focuses on creating a graph of family members.
Increase social studies skills with an activity that focuses on family information. This worksheet includes several…
Use this rubric with the lesson plan.
Caring for a sick loved one can be a difficult task. Pupils use the questions provided to write about how they might…
You'll find a comprehensive overview of the many family worksheets available on our site, including activities about…
Develop composition skills with this writing activity about the importance of grandparents. This printable will be a…
Promote discussion about the meaning of family with the resources in this educator's guide for And Tango Makes Three, a…
Create a memorable storytelling unit for your class with the help of this teacher's guide.
Read an excerpt of genealogist Megan Smolenyak's book, Who Do You Think You Are?, which is the companion to the TV…
Have students interview a senior citizen to learn what schools, jobs, and community activities were like when they were…
Increase social studies skills with an activity that focuses on respecting other people. This worksheet includes several…
Students write thank you notes to three people who care for them.
Ask pupils how they would like to spend a holiday with their family, then have them illustrate a highlight of the trip.
This discussion and genealogy guide for Tea Cakes for Tosh—written by Kelly Starling Lyons and illustrated by E. B.…
Great for all seasons, this printable outlines an activity about family and a bulletin board idea.
A chart of animal names: male, female, and young.
A chart listing the wives and children of the U.S. presidents.
Discuss the topic of siblings with your class using the Katie Kazoo Switcheroo books.