To encourage critical reading, teachers should ask students questions about the text before, during, and after they…
Vocabulary development is critical to success in reading To develop students' vocabulary, teachers must encourage a…
This summer enrichment packet is focused on helping secondary students build or freshen reading and writing skills…
This list of recommended vacation reading for secondary students is provided by Penguin Young Readers Group and Dorling…
Students read and analyze a poem by Jose Garcia Villa.
Using a story map helps children to identify key elements in a story such as characters or events. This printable is…
Use a variety of repeated reading activities to improve reading skills.
Enrich your science, history, or English curriculum with the resources in this teacher's guide for Team Moon, the story…
The organization, elements of literary analysis/interpretation writing, grammar, usage, mechanics, and spelling of a…
Visually organize thoughts with this concept map. This type of map can be used in any content area when trying to…
Use a teacher guide to provide teaching activities to be used with The Pact by Drs. Sampson Davis, George Jenkins, and…
Poetry lesson planning for grades 9-12. The study of poetry can lead your students to new levels of creativity and…
Use a teaching guide that helps students analyze the elements of poetry, their responses to the selection, and the craft…
Enhance understanding with a teaching guide that offers suggestions for talking to your students about civil and human…
Create a summer reading list students will look forward to with book recommendations by grade, reading level, and theme.…
The vocabulary words used in this lesson stem from realism literature. Students are asked to explore the…
Deepen students' understanding of Ray Bradbury's dystopian novel Fahrenheit 451 with these pre-reading resources and…
Examine the use of verse in Tolkien's The Hobbit through riddles and rhymes. This printable teacher's guide will help…
One of the most important themes of Shakespeare's Julius Caesar is the question of what qualities make up a good leader.…
Build background knowledge in 19th-century history and culture with the lesson planning resources in this teacher's…
Extend students' enjoyment and understanding of J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings by using the discussion questions in…
After reading The Misfits, use the discussion questions in this guide to examine the events in the book and develop…
You'll discover many graphic organizers inside this gallery of our Top 10 Reading Graphic Organizers; topics range from…
Deliver a lesson plan that will help you teach students to read on the Web, a skill that is different from reading…