- Students will perform with appropriate dynamics and timbre the accompaniment to a song from their repertoire using non-pitched percussion instruments.
- Copies of "Amani Utupe"
- Variety of non-pitched percussion instruments
- Have students sing the selected song.
- Review the concept of beat, and have students clap the beat as they sing the song. Clap the rhythm patterns of the song and have students echo them.
- Present simple ostinatos for the song, aurally or with notation, depending on the level of the group.
- Ask the students to read and clap (or echo) the ostinatos.
- Have students discuss possible timbres for the different accompaniment patterns. Then distribute the instruments to students.
- Rehearse the ostinatos, adding a dynamics scheme for phrases that are identical.
- Have students perform the song. After a successful performance, have the students switch parts, switch between singing and playing, or both.
This lesson plan is found in the MENC Publication Strategies for Teaching Elementary and Middle-Level Chorus. This publication is available for purchase at 1-800-828-0229 or online at www.menc.org.

Provided in partnership with NAfME |