This is the Chinese version of the traditional story of Little Red Riding Hood. Three sisters, Shang, Tao, and Paotze, must defend themselves against a frightening wolf while their mother is away visiting their grandmother for her birthday.
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Lon Po Po Enrichment Activities

by Ed Young


Lon Po Po

This is the Chinese version of the traditional story of Little Red Riding Hood. Three sisters, Shang, Tao, and Paotze, must defend themselves against a frightening wolf while their mother is away visiting their grandmother for her birthday.


Enrichment Activities
Internet Resources
Books by Ed Young

Enrichment Activities

  • Venn Diagram
  • Have your students use this Venn diagram to compare two classic children's books: Lon Po Po and Little Red Riding Hood.

    Creative Connections for Lon Po Po
  • These creative ideas in math, art, and social studies will help you have fun with your students as they learn about this wonderful children's book.

    The Wolf's View
  • Discuss the story with your class from the wolf's point of view. Create a new version of Lon Po Po, adding characters and/or a new setting.

    Chinese Inventions
  • Learn about the everyday things that were invented in China. Your students can make a list of items they have used that the Chinese invented.

    Chinese Symbols
  • Reproduce these Chinese symbols with your students for your classroom bulletin board.

Internet Resources


Chinese Culture
Grade Levels: Primary, Middle, Secondary
This site contains pictures and descriptions of Chinese culture.

Little Red Riding Hood
Grade Levels: Primary, Middle, Secondary
Read the famous story of Little Red Riding Hood.

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