Lon Po Po Enrichment Activities
by Ed Young
Enrichment Activities
Internet Resources
Books by Ed Young
Enrichment Activities
- Venn Diagram
- Have your students use this Venn diagram to compare two classic children's books: Lon Po Po and Little Red Riding Hood.
Creative Connections for Lon Po Po - These creative ideas in math, art, and social studies will help you have fun with your students as they learn about this wonderful children's book.
The Wolf's View - Discuss the story with your class from the wolf's point of view. Create a new version of Lon Po Po, adding characters and/or a new setting.
Chinese Inventions - Learn about the everyday things that were invented in China. Your students can make a list of items they have used that the Chinese invented.
Chinese Symbols - Reproduce these Chinese symbols with your students for your classroom bulletin board.
Internet Resources
Chinese Culture
Grade Levels: Primary, Middle, Secondary
This site contains pictures and descriptions of Chinese culture.
Little Red Riding Hood
Grade Levels: Primary, Middle, Secondary
Read the famous story of Little Red Riding Hood.