Select one of the titles below to view great material that will assist you in teaching these literary classics, old and new. These teacher's guides to works of literature for the high-school level include overview information, chapter or act synopses, discussion questions, and extended learning activities. Find guides to plays, novels, essays, and other works by diverse authors such as William Shakespeare, Ayn Rand, Charles Dickens, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Kurt Vonnegut, Tennessee Williams, Charlotte Brontë, Henry James, Arthur Miller, Kate Chopin, John Steinbeck, Lorraine Hansberry, and many more. These literature lesson plans, printables, and extension activities will help you confidently discuss a wide variety of works.
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Fiction by Title

A-H | I-M | N-S | T-Z | Poetry | Plays | Nonfiction

Guides to Fiction A-H
  • 1984

    George Orwell's thought-provoking novel 1984 covers the themes of dehumanization, isolation, repression, loneliness, social class disparity, and abuse of power. This teacher's guide includes chapter summaries, questions, and extension activities.

  • Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Teacher's Guide

    Enhance students' understanding of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn with the reading activities and questions in this literature guide. Use the resources in this printable to build students' background knowledge, create context, and explore the themes of Mark Twain's most famous novel. This guide for teachers also includes a synopsis of the book, a character list, and project ideas.

  • After Discussion Guide

    Use this guide in conjunction with After to break the silence about teen pregnancy and "dumpster babies." The questions in this guide will help you generate an important classroom discussion about unwanted pregnancy, teenage motherhood, and the unthinkable actions of the main character.

  • Age of Innocence

    The Age of Innocence is a part-nostalgic, part-satiric recreation of the surfaces of New York City. This teacher's literature guide includes information about author Edith Wharton and discussion questions.

  • Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

    Enhance understanding with a teaching guide that offers information about Lewis Carroll as well as discussion questions for thought provoking conversations about Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.

  • All Bright Court

    Compare and discuss two books by Connie Rose Porter with help from the questions in this printable reader's guide. Incorporate Imani All Mine into your high-school curriculum to help address the sensitive issues of rape and teen pregnancy. Students will learn about social and economic conditions in America during the 1960s and 1970s as they read All-Bright Court.

  • All We Know of Love Discussion Guide

    Delve into the characters, themes, and literary devices in All We Know of Love by Nora Raleigh Baskin with the discussion questions in this literature guide for students and teachers.

  • Animal Farm Literature Guide

    Although Animal Farm is an allegory of the 1917 Russian Revolution, the story is just as applicable to the latest rebellion against dictators around the world, which makes it a perfect novel for cross-curricular study. This guide includes chapter summaries, teaching suggestions, discussion questions, and writing assignments.

  • Anna Karenina

    Anna Karenina is a novel about a married woman's adulterous affair with another man, Count Vronsky – resulting in society ostracizing them. This teacher's guide includes background information on author Leo Tolstoy, a summary of the novel, and discussion questions.

  • Anthem

    Try a teacher's guide that includes character analysis, an overview of Ayn Rand's novels The Fountainhead and Anthem, and study questions. These novels' focus on independence and the role of society in one's life will be appealing to adolescents.

  • Antsy Does Time & The Schwa Was Here Discussion Guide

    Lead students in a discussion about characters and events in Antsy Does Time and The Schwa Was Here. This literature guide includes printable bookmarks, advice on how to start a book club, discussion questions, and activity suggestions for these books by Neal Shüsterman.

  • A Guide to Teaching Bruce Brooks's Asylum for Nightface, What Hearts & The Moves Make the Man

    This teacher's guide to Bruce Brooks's Asylum for Nightface, What Hearts & The Moves Make the Man provides a pre-reading activity and classroom discussion questions for these three coming-of-age stories about teenage boys facing challenging issues, including fundamentalist Christianity, casual drug use, child abuse, racial bigotry, questionable parenting, and suicide. This literature guide also includes an interview with the author, reading skills and strategies, and activities to use across your curriculum.

  • The Autobiography of My Mother

    Reader guide for Jamaica Kincaid's, The Autobiography of My Mother - Use this reader's guide with adult book groups; includes complete overview about the book and its author.

  • The Awakening: Activity & Discussion Guide

    Explore Kate Chopin's 1899 novella about a woman awakening to the world's possibilities. A vocabulary list, discussion questions, in-class group activities, and final project ideas are included in this literature guide.

  • Because I Am Furniture Discussion Guide

    Bring attention to domestic violence and the damaging effects of silence through the pre- and post-reading discussion questions in this literature guide for Because I Am Furniture, a verse novel by Thalia Chaltas.

  • The Books of Jacqueline Woodson

    Explore teaching activities to be used with the books of Jacqueline Woodson.

  • Discussion Guide for the Books of Joan Bauer

    Explore teaching activities to be used with books by Joan Bauer.

  • Educator's Guide to the Books of Joan Bauer

    Help students keep track of their reading with bookmarks to accompany the works of Joan Bauer: Peeled, Thwonk, Stand Tall, Sticks, Squashed, Rules of the Road, Hope Was Here, and Backwater. Each bookmark provides discussion questions and a brief synopsis for one of the eight books. This educator's guide also includes an interview with the author and suggestions for starting a reading group.

  • The Bonesetter's Daughter

    Reader guide for Amy Tan's, The Bonesetter's Daughter - Use this reader's guide with adult book groups; includes complete overview about the book and its author.

  • Bowery Girl Teacher's Guide

    The reading questions in this printable teacher's guide for Bowery Girl will encourage students to discuss the social conditions and challenges that women faced in the 1800s.

  • The Call of the Wild and Selected Stories

    Extend reading comprehension by using a literature guide that contains four sections that will assist you in your teaching of Jack London's Naturalistic novel The Call of the Wild: Pre-reading Activities, Summaries and Teaching Suggestions, After Reading the Novel, and Extended Learning.

  • Camel Rider Discussion and Activity Guide

    Increase students' knowledge of the Middle East with discussion questions, writing activities, and educational resources for Camel Rider.

  • Candide

    Use this teacher's guide on Candide, a farcical, humorous, and far-fetched satire, to expand your classroom discussions and learn more about author Voltaire and his work.

  • Cannery Row

    Discover brief discussion techniques of plot, character development and theme employed by Steinbeck in his brief novella, Cannery Row.

  • Cavedweller

    Use this guide to help run a teacher book group.

  • A Certain Slant of Light

    The discussion questions in this printable reader's guide to A Certain Slant of Light will help you and your students explore the many themes in this novel: romance, adolescence, and ghosts.

  • A Certain Strain of Peculiar Discussion Guide

    Use the discussion questions in this guide to engage students in a conversation about the characters, feelings, relationships, and story elements in A Certain Strain of Peculiar, a novel about self-discovery. This printable packet also includes extension activities and information about the author.

  • A Guide to Teaching Challenged and Banned Books

    This teacher's guide to challenged and banned books features classroom activities and discussion questions about the novels of Chris Crutcher, the First Amendment, freedom of speech, and censorship. This is a perfect lesson-planning resource for Banned Books Week, which occurs during the last week in September.

  • Christmas Stories

    Read these classic Christmas tales to help students improve creative-writing skills by writing stories. Teachers can also review Romanticism in your literature classes.

  • The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod Series Discussion Guide

    The discussion questions in this guide can be used with any book in the Chronicles of Vladimir Tod series: Eight Grade Bites, Ninth Grade Slays, Tenth Grade Bleeds, Eleventh Grade Sucks, and Twelfth Grade Kills. As if junior high and high school are not difficult enough, the main character in these novels is a teenage half-vampire who is being hunted by a vampire killer.

  • City of God

    E.L. Doctorow's City of God is a great book for those in late adolescence, when one's first serious questions about our culture and the history that shaped it are often posed. This teacher's guide will help you in your classroom discussion of the novel.

  • Classic Tales of Horror by Edgar Allan Poe & W.W. Jacobs

    Full text, vocabulary words, and discussion questions for tales of horror: "The Monkey's Paw," "The Raven," and "The Black Cat."

  • Climbing the Stairs Discussion Guide

    Develop students' reading comprehension and writing skills with the questions and activities in this literature guide to Climbing the Stairs, a coming-of-age story about a girl in British-occupied India during World War II.

  • Comfort Teacher's Guide

    Incorporate creative arts into your curriculum through the poetry, drama, and discussion activities in this teacher's guide for Comfort. Use these resources in conjunction with the book to enhance students' reading experience.

  • The Contender, The Brave, The Chief, and Warrior Angel Teacher's Guide

    Illustrate complex social issues and the basic goodness in human nature through The Contender, The Brave, The Chief, and Warrior Angel by Robert Lipsyte. In addition to a pre-reading activity and information about the author, this teacher's guide includes a book synopsis, discussion topics, and a suggested activity for each novel. These books will appeal to students interested in boxing.

  • The Country of the Pointed Firs and Other Stories

    Sarah Orne Jewett's The Country of the Pointed Firs is a study of the effects of isolation and hardship on the inhabitants of coastal Maine. This guide contains four sections: Prereading Activities, Summaries and Teaching Suggestions, After Reading the Novel, and Extended Learning.

  • Cousin Bette

    Enhance understanding with a teaching guide for Balzac's Cousin Bette includes discussion questions and history about the time period.

  • Crank Reading Guide

    Raise drug awareness with the activities in this teacher's guide for Crank, the story of a teenage girl who becomes addicted to crystal meth. The questions in this guide will help you engage high school students in a serious discussion about drugs and addiction.

  • Crime and Punishment

    Use a teaching guide that includes background information and discussion questions to be used when teaching Fyodor Dostoyevsky's superbly-plotted novel Crime and Punishment.

  • A Guide to Teaching Terry Trueman's Cruise Control, Inside Out, and Stuck in Neutral

    Compare the works of Terry Trueman with this teacher's guide to Cruise Control, Inside Out, and Stuck in Neutral. This printable guide includes a pre-reading activity and discussion questions for each book. Use these resources to promote discussion about cerebral palsy, schizophrenia, bullying, and emotional issues.

  • The Cunning Man

    Reader guide for Robertson Davies', The Cunning Man - Use this reader's guide with adult book groups; includes complete overview about the book and its author.

  • Dear Zoe Teacher's Guide

    Use this teacher's guide to help incorporate contemporary fiction in your English curriculum. This four-week comprehensive unit plan for Dear Zoe, a novel by Philip Beard, includes prewriting exercises, quote-identification activities, paper topics, activities about literary styles and devices, quizzes, research activities, and a game.

  • Double Helix Teacher's Guide

    Use this guide to extend students' enjoyment of the suspense thriller Double Helix. This printable guide will keep them excited about science with questions and activities about current biological and ethical issues, including genetic engineering. Also included is a synopsis of the book, a short author bio, discussion ideas, and Internet resources.

  • Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

    In Robert Louis Stevenson's Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, we encounter the mystery and suspense of how friendly Dr. Jekyll is connected to the repulsive Mr. Hyde. This teacher's guide will assist you in your classroom discussion of this fascinating novella.

  • Dreamland

    Explore teaching activities to be used with the book Dreamland, by Sarah Dressen.

  • Dubliners

    Each section of the guide on Joyce's Dubliners contains a synopsis and activities for before, during, and after reading the novel.

  • Ethan Frome

    Enhance reading comprehension with a guide that contains an overview of each chapter of Ethan Frome, by Edith Wharton, followed by teaching suggestions for before, during, and after reading the novel.

  • The Eyre Affair

    Use a teacher guide to provide activities to be used with The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde.

  • Flygirl Discussion Guide

    Promote thoughtful discussion about race, heritage, and women's history with this printable discussion guide to Flygirl. It includes questions, research, and activities about World War II and the Women Airforce Service Pilots program.

  • The Forest Lover by Susan Vreeland: A Discussion Guide

    Use this extensive guide when teaching Susan Vreeland's novel The Forest Lover.

  • The Fountainhead

    Try a teacher's guide that includes character analysis, an overview of Ayn Rand's novels The Fountainhead and Anthem, and study questions. These novels' focus on independence and the role of society in one's life will be appealing to adolescents.

  • Frankenstein Teacher's Guide

    Plan a comprehensive unit on Mary Shelley's Frankenstein with the instructional resources in this teacher's guide. This packet includes a synopsis of the novel, a list of main characters, reading activities, discussion topics, essay assignments, project ideas, and more!

  • Girl in Hyacinth Blue

    Explore teaching activities to extend and enrich the student understanding of the Girl in Hyacinth Blue by Susan Vreeland.

  • Girl with a Pearl Earring Teacher's Guide

    Use a teacher guide to provide activities to be used with Girl with a Pearl Earring by Tracy Chevalier.

  • The Girls' Guide to Hunting and Fishing

    A guide to The Girls' Guide to Hunting and Fishing for adult book groups.

  • Girlwood Teacher's Guide

    The discussion questions in this teacher's guide will help you examine the characters, literary devices, and message of Girlwood with your students.

  • Go and Come Back

    Use these lessons and activities with Go and Come Back, by Joan Abelove, a story of a Peruvian tribe and the anthropologists who come to live there.

  • The Grapes of Wrath

    Find questions, exercises, and assignments designed to guide students' reading of Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath while promoting discussion, research, and writing.

  • Great Expectations

    Enhance understanding with a teaching guide for Great Expectations includes background information on Charles Dickens and discussion questions to be used in English classes.

  • The Great Gatsby Unit

    Project ideas, vocabulary lists and quizzes, and reference materials for The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald.

  • Hatchet & Dogsong Teaching Guides

    Celebrate two of Gary Paulsen's great adventure stories with the resources in this teaching guide for Hatchet and Dogsong. Activities and research topics will help students explore the events and setting of each novel. After reading both books with your students, use the discussion questions to compare the main characters and encourage critical thinking.

  • Herzog

    Winner of the National Book Award when it was first published in 1964, Herzog traces five days in the life of a failed academic whose wife has recently left him for his best friend.

  • The Hobbit Teacher's Guide

    Examine the use of verse in Tolkien's The Hobbit through riddles and rhymes. This printable teacher's guide will help students explore complex literary themes, write creatively, and discuss the intricacies of a classic good-versus-evil tale. Your class is sure to enjoy this magical and powerful tale of a fantastical land, filled with spectacular creatures.

  • The House on Mango Street

    Growing up in the Hispanic section of Chicago, main character Esperanza Cordero shares with readers her feelings and thoughts about the neighborhood she lives in and how it has affected her life.

  • Hurricane Song Discussion Guide

    Thought-provoking discussion questions for Hurricane Song will deepen students' understanding of this book about a high-school boy's struggle for survival in New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina. This literature guide also includes bookmarks with discussion questions for Rucker Park Setup, Rooftop, and Black and White.

Guides to Fiction I-M
  • If I Stay and Where She Went Discussion Guide

    Get students thinking about the power of love, the meaning of family, and the choices we make with the pre- and post-reading discussion questions in this literature guide to If I Stay and Where She Went, by Gayle Forman.

  • Imani All Mine

    Compare and discuss two books by Connie Rose Porter with help from the questions in this printable reader's guide. Incorporate Imani All Mine into your high-school curriculum to help address the sensitive issues of rape and teen pregnancy. Students will learn about social and economic conditions in America during the 1960s and 1970s as they read All-Bright Court.

  • Impossible Discussion Guide

    Explore the themes of true love, friendship, and family through the discussion questions in this guide to Impossible, a novel by Nancy Werlin, inspired by the ballad "Scarborough Fair."

  • Independent Reading Guide: Myths and Folk Tales

    Use a teaching guide that helps students analyze the elements of myths and folktales, their responses to the selection, and the craft of the genre.

  • Independent Reading Guide: The Novel

    Use a teaching guide that helps students analyze the elements of novels, their responses to the selection, and the craft of the genre.

  • Independent Reading Guide: Short Story

    Use a teaching guide that helps students analyze the elements of short stories, their responses to the selection, and the craft of the genre.

  • The Inheritance

    Enhance understanding with a teaching guide for The Inheritance includes discussion questions and background information on Louisa May Alcott.

  • Ironweed

    This guide's questions, answers, and assignments are designed to engage student learning and enhance comprehension of Kennedy's Ironweed.

  • Jane Eyre Reading Guide

    Enhance reading comprehension with a with a guide that provides prereading activities and discussion on plot, character development, and theme regarding the novel Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë.

  • Jane Eyre Teacher's Guide

    Utilize the Internet resources and activities in this guide for Jane Eyre, to plan lessons on the Victorian Age of British literature. This printable guide to Charlotte Bronte's romantic novel includes pre-reading and extension activities, vocabulary lists, discussion questions, and writing prompts.

  • Teacher's Guide to Jerk, California

    Learn about Tourette Syndrome and explore the major characters, settings, and themes of Jerk, California, with the resources in this literature guide. This printable guide includes facts about Tourette Syndrome, discussion questions, writing activities, projects, and a note to teachers from author Jonathan Friesen.

  • Journey to the Center of the Earth

    The focus of this guide on Jules Verne's Journey to the Center of the Earth is to place students in the exciting roles of explorers, with the teacher acting as supporter and guide.

  • The Jungle

    The Jungle by Upton Sinclair unveils the horrible injustices of Chicago's meat packing industry at the turn of the twentieth century, as the protagonist discovers the truth about opportunity and prosperity in America. This teaching guide will provide you with activities and discussion before, during, and after reading the novel.

  • Karen Cushman's Novels: A Discussion Guide

    Explore the Middle Ages through the twentieth century with this printable guide for Karen Cushman's six novels: The Loud Silence of Francine Green, Catherine, Called Birdy, The Midwife's Apprentice, The Ballad of Lucy Whipple, Matilda Bones, and Rodzina. You'll find class projects and group discussion questions for each title, as well as ideas for comparing the books.

  • The Kite Runner Study Guide

    Educate students about Afghanistan's history and culture through the pre-reading activities in this guide for The Kite Runner. This printable packet also includes comprehension questions, references, and creative projects that will promote critical thinking and enhance your students' reading experience.

  • Life Studies

    In Life Studies, Vreeland explores the power of art by focusing on the lovers, servants, and children of the great Impressionist and Post-Impressionist masters – Manet, Monet, van Gogh, and others. She then tells contemporary stories of ordinary people who encounter art in meaningful, often surprising ways. Use the guide to raise thoughtful discussion questions in your classroom.

  • Looking Backward

    Enhance understanding with a teaching guide for Edward Bellamy's Looking Backward includes a summary of the novel, teaching suggestions, and enrichment resources.

  • Looks Discussion Guide

    Engage students in a thoughtful discussion about physical appearance, social hierarchy, friendship, and revenge with the questions in this printable guide to Looks, a novel by Madeleine George.

  • The Lord of the Rings Reader's Guide

    Extend students' enjoyment and understanding of J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings by using the discussion questions in this printable reader's guide. This guide includes questions and page references for The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, and Return of the King.

  • The Lost Years of Merlin Epic

    Explore teaching activities to be used with The Lost Years of Merlin Epic, by T.A. Barron.

  • Main Street

    Distribute a guide about Lewis's Main Street that provides an overview as well as questions, vocabulary, quotations for discussion, and activities for each chapter.

  • Milkweed

    In Milkweed, author Jerry Spinelli paints a vivid picture of the streets of the Nazi-occupied Warsaw during World War II, as seen through the eyes of a young orphan. This teacher's guide, which includes summary, discussion questions, and activities, will help in your instruction of the novel.

  • My Ántonia Teacher's Guide

    Build a historical context for Willa Cather's classic novel My Ántonia with the resources in this comprehensive teacher's guide. This packet includes activities and projects to help you enhance reading instruction, discuss language, examine themes, and deepen students' understanding.

Guides to Fiction N-S
  • Native Speaker

    Reader guide for Chang-rae Lee's, Native Speaker - Use this reader's guide with adult book groups; includes complete overview about the book and its author.

  • Nectar in a Sieve

    Enhance understanding with a teaching guide for Nectar in a Sieve explains various Indian cultural practices and other information necessary for a full understanding of the short novel.

  • Of Mice and Men

    Enhance understanding with a teaching guide for Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men contains pre-reading activities, post-reading activities, an overview of the story, and a brief discussion of plot, character development, and theme.

  • One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich

    Enhance reading comprehension with a with a guide that presents a brief overview of the novel One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, followed by teaching ideas to be used before, during, and after reading the literary work.

  • Paper Towns Discussion Guide

    Examine events, characters, and relationships in Paper Towns with the aid of discussion questions, projects, and activities from this literature guide for high-school students. Use the book and the resources in this guide to explore social hierarchy, friendship, and emotions. This printable also includes information about, and bookmarks with discussion questions for An Abundance of Katherines and Looking for Alaska.

  • The Passion of Artemisia

    Explore teaching activities to be used with The Passion of Artemisia by Susan Vreeland.

  • Peace, Love, & Baby Ducks Discussion Guide

    Use the discussion questions in this literature guide to engage students in a conversation about Lauren Myracle's Peace, Love, & Baby Ducks, a story about sisterhood and friendship. This printable also includes information about the book and tips on starting a book club.

  • The Pearl

    Enhance understanding with a teaching guide for Steinbeck's The Pearl provides pre-reading activities and discussion on plot, character development, and theme.

  • Persuasion

    Distribute a guide about Jane Austen's Persuasion provides activities and ideas to use before, during, and after reading the novel.

  • The Portrait of a Lady

    Use a teaching guide that includes great information about Henry James as well as discussion questions to be used when teaching The Portrait of a Lady, a story about a young American woman asserting her independence and facing destiny.

  • Pride and Prejudice Teacher's Guide

    Help students build background knowledge of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, explore themes, focus on literary elements, develop vocabulary, and deepen understanding with the instructional resources in this literature guide. In addition to project ideas, a list of characters, and a synopsis of the novel, this packet includes activities for before, during, and after reading.

  • The Prince and the Pauper

    Enhance understanding with a teaching guide that offers teaching activities, chapter summaries, chapter questions, historical notes, and vocabulary for use with Mark Twain's The Prince and the Pauper.

  • Ragged Dick

    Horatio Alger's story of how a poor boy can move from the fringes to become a respected member of society – the essence of the American Dream. This guide aims to assist teachers in planning to teach Ragged Dick in ways that will make it accessible to the range of readers in contemporary classrooms.

  • The Red Badge of Courage

    The 1895 book The Red Badge of Courage by Stephen Crane tells the story of a young farm boy who becomes a Union soldier in the Civil War. Use these lessons, activities, and references to help you teach this classic novel.

  • The Red Pony

    Enhance understanding with a teaching guide for Steinbeck's The Red Pony provides pre-reading activities; discussion of plot, character development, and theme; and suggested teaching methodologies.

  • The Redwall Tales

    Enhance reading comprehension with a with a guide that provides synopses and activities that can be used with any of the Redwall volumes.

  • The Rules of Survival Teacher's Guide

    After reading The Rules of Survival with your students, use the resources in this literature guide to discuss the novel's portrayal of family dynamics, mental illness, and abuse.

  • Running Loose

    Lessons, activities, and references for teaching Running Loose by Chris Crutcher.

  • The Scarlet Pimpernel

    Explore Baroness Orczy's The Scarlet Pimpernel includes a variety of activities and discussion questions to stimulate students' responses before they begin to read, while they are reading, and after they have read the novel. The sophisticated vocabulary requires inferential thinking skills which will challenge various levels of readers.

  • The Scarlet Letter

    Use a teaching guide that includes a synopsis of the plot of The Scarlet Letter, historical commentary about Puritan New England, and suggested activities.

  • The Secret Life of Bees

    Share this literature guide with your secondary students; it provides activities to be used with the bestselling – and wonderful – novel, The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd.

  • Selected Horror Stories of Stephen King

    Use supplemental materials for Stephen King's short stories that are appropriate for classroom use.

  • Sense and Sensibility

    Use a teaching guide that includes a synopsis of Sense and Sensibility, great discussion questions, and Web links.

  • Silas Marner

    Enhance reading comprehension with a with a guide that contains an overview, discussion questions, follow-up activities and suggestions to be used before, during, and after reading the novel, Silas Marner.

  • Slaughterhouse-Five

    Slaughterhouse-Five is about the complex journey of Billy Pilgrim. The novel follows Pilgrim through many chapters of his life after he becomes trapped in time. One voyage focuses on his POW experience during World War II in Germany.

  • A Reader's Companion to Sleeping Freshmen Never Lie

    Use the questions in this literature guide to Sleeping Freshman Never Lie to check reading comprehension and engage students in a discussion about the trials and tribulations of high school. This printable also includes language arts projects and activities to enhance students' enjoyment of the book.

  • The Song of the Lark

    Use a teaching guide that includes historical information, a brief synopsis of the novel The Song of the Lark, as well as discussion questions.

  • Speak Discussion Guide

    Use the resources in this literature guide to Speak to engage students in a thoughtful discussion about the serious and sensitive issue of rape. This printable includes a poem by Laurie Halse Anderson and discussion questions about friendship, social hierarchy, truth, and the importance of speaking up.

  • Stand Tall: Student Guide

    Explore activities to be used with Stand Tall by Joan Bauer, a novel about helping children deal with tough times. This book is particularly well-suited to the study of the events of September 11, 2001.

  • Star of Luis

    Extend reading comprehension with a by using a literature guide of enrichment activities and Internet resources to enhance teaching of the novel Star of Luis by Marc Talbert.

  • Stay with Me Discussion Guide

    Stimulate class discussion and deepen students' understanding of the book Stay with Me through the questions provided in this teacher's guide. Explore the relationships of family and friends in this coming-of-age story about a teenage girl who investigates her half-sister's suicide.

  • A Step from Heaven

    This is the story of a Korean family that immigrates to California in search of a better life, only to find that the American Dream is harder to achieve than they thought. The tale is told through the eyes of Young Ju, as she grows from preschooler to young woman.

  • The Sugar Island

    Stimulate class discussion and deepen students' understanding of the book The Sugar Island. The reader's guide will help you examine the political and social issues in Cuba during the 1960s in this tale about family conflict, love, and a fight for freedom.

Guides to Fiction T-Z
  • A Tale of Two Cities

    This teaching guide includes a brief overview of A Tale of Two Cities followed by teaching ideas to be used before, during, and after reading the novel by Charles Dickens.

  • Taps

    Discussion questions in this printable reader's guide for Taps will deepen student's understanding of the characters, setting, and events in this story about a southern man coming of age during the Korean War. This guide also includes information about the author, his wife, and the story behind the book.

  • A Teaching Guide to Terry Pratchett

    Spark discussion about A Hat Full of Sky, The Wee Free Men, and The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents with the pre-reading activities and discussion questions in this printable teaching guide to these books by Terry Pratchett.

  • The Silenced Teaching Guide

    The teaching resources in this guide will help you explain language use in the dystopian novel The Silenced by James DeVita. Extend students' learning with a variety of projects and guide discussion with questions to ask students before, during, and after reading the book.

  • A Teacher's Guide to Books Written by John H. Ritter

    Appeal to students' interest in baseball with four young adult novels by John H. Ritter. This printable teacher's guide includes an author bio, Internet resources, and discussion questions for each book.

  • Teacher's Guide to Studying Shakespeare

    Explore teaching activities to be used before, during, and after reading Shakespeare's plays.

  • Teaching Guides to the Works of Susan Vreeland

    Learn all about author Susan Vreeland and her award-winning books with these printable teaching guides and discussion questions.

  • A Thousand Splendid Suns Teacher's Guide

    Study the history of Afghanistan and the themes in A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini with this printable teacher's guide. It outlines a variety of activities for students to complete before, during, and after reading the novel.

  • The Time Machine

    The Time Machine, by H.G. Wells, is a classic novel full of intriguing characters, conflicts, and engaging themes on social class and industrialization. Following a plot summary, this teacher guide provides strategies to use before, during, and after reading the book with students.

  • Tolkien's Middle-earth Unit 1: Introducing Tolkien and His Worlds

    Use the handouts in this printable guide to explore myths and folk tales from around the world that share the themes present in The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. Lesson planning ideas provide an in-depth look at Tolkien's Middle-earth. Unit 1 includes key terms to build students' vocabulary, suggested activities, and discussion topics to help students get the most out of Tolkien's works.

  • Tolkien's Middle-earth Unit 2: Runes, Riddles, and a Ring of Power

    Discover the magic of language in Tolkien's work and deepen students' understanding of the text with the supplemental materials in this printable teacher's guide for The Hobbit. Lesson planning resources in this unit include a preliminary quiz, key terms to review, linguistic handouts, discussion topics, and suggested writing activities for the first seven chapters of the novel.

  • Tolkien's Middle-earth Unit 3: There and Back Again

    Enhance students' reading experience of Tolkien's The Hobbit with lesson planning resources that accompany chapters eight through fourteen of his novel. Unit 3 focuses on the characteristics of a quest story, with emphasis on the heroic epic. It includes a preliminary quiz, key terms, printable handouts, discussion topics, and suggested activities for geography and language arts.

  • Tolkien's Middle-earth Unit 4: One Ring to Rule Them All

    Utilize the lesson planning resources in this guide to examine themes of power, corruption, and responsibility in The Lord of the Rings, Book One. Unit 4 includes a preliminary quiz and printables for vocabulary-building, as well as a guided discussion about the One Ring. You'll also find cross-curricular enrichment activities and handouts to help students get the most out of Tolkien's text.

  • Tolkien's Middle-earth Unit 5: "The Tides of Fate Are Flowing"

    Explore the magical world of Tolkien with your class through the lesson planning resources in this teacher's guide for The Lord of the Rings, Book Two. Discussion questions and suggested activities encourage students to ponder the literary and philosophical implications of free will and fellowship in the novel. You'll also find key terms, a preliminary quiz, and handouts to deepen students' understanding of Tolkien's writing.

  • Tolkien's Middle-earth Unit 6: Treebeard's Lament

    Examine the price of progress in The Lord of the Rings, Book Three, with the lesson planning resources in this printable teacher's guide. Supplement students' reading with discussion ideas, handouts, and suggested activities that will help them understand how Tolkien expresses his love of nature through his writing.

  • Tolkien's Middle-earth Unit 7: Tolkien's Moral Universe

    Discuss the intricacies of a classic tale of good versus evil with the guided questions in this lesson planning unit for The Lord of the Rings, Book Four. Review key philosophy terms and explore concepts of morality and fidelity with your students through suggested cross-curricular activities and handouts to accompany their reading.

  • Tolkien's Middle-earth Unit 8: War and Peace in Middle-earth

    Enrich students' reading experience with the lesson planning resources in this teacher's guide for The Lord of the Rings, Book Five. This unit includes discussion questions, handouts, and suggested activities to help students analyze Tolkien's use of hope and despair during the struggle to defend Middle-earth. Use these resources to consider the influence of war on his writing.

  • Tolkien's Middle-earth Unit 9: "The Quest Is Achieved"

    Consider the meaning of heroism with your class as students read The Lord of the Rings, Book Six. This printable teacher's guide is full of lesson-planning resources to help students unify concepts from Tolkien's entire epic. This unit includes a preliminary quiz, key terms, handouts, suggested activities, and guided discussion questions to help students reflect on character development over the course of the Quest.

  • Treasure Island

    Use a teacher guide to provide activities to be used with Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson.

  • A Voice of Her Own: Becoming Emily Dickinson Teaching Guide

    Make the most of A Voice of Her Own: Becoming Emily Dickinson with the discussion questions, extension activities, and creative writing activities in this teaching guide. In the novel, author Barbara Dana imagines the childhood of iconic American poet Emily Dickinson.

  • Washington Square

    In exploring the manners of the elite society of the age, Henry James carefully examines his characters' thoughts and motivations while creating suspense through the struggle between good and evil. This guide to Washington Square will assist teachers in presenting the novel in ways that will make it accessible to a range of students.

  • Wintergirls Discussion Guide

    Encourage critical thinking and discussion with reading comprehension questions for Laurie Halse Anderson's novel Wintergirls, a story about friendship, relationships, eating disorders, and loss. This printable also includes discussion questions for Speak.

  • The Women of Brewster Place and The Men of Brewster Place

    Use a teaching guide that includes background information about the two novels, The Women of Brewster Place and The Men of Brewster Place, an author interview, discussion questions, and a bibliography.

  • The Woman Who Gave Birth to Her Mother

    This reader's guide is meant for use with adult book groups.

  • A Wreath for Emmett Till Teacher's Guide

    Preparation assignments, group discussion questions about lynching and civil rights, and many other resources are provided in this teacher's guide for A Wreath for Emmett Till, a poem about the murder of an African-American boy. Extension activities for language arts, current events, music, and history will help students understand the context of the poem.

  • Wuthering Heights

    Use this comprehensive teachers' guide on Wuthering Heights to assist you in teaching this great work, with discussion questions and summaries of each chapter.

Guides to Poetry
  • Beowulf

    Beowulf is an epic poem written sometime around 900 A.D. and is well suited for students of all abilities. This teaching guide is organized in three sections presenting suggestions to be used before Beowulf is read, while it is being read, and after the reading is completed.

  • Independent Reading Guide: Poetry

    Use a teaching guide that helps students analyze the elements of poetry, their responses to the selection, and the craft of the genre.

  • The Odyssey

    Distribute a guide about The Odyssey that provides discussion and essay questions as well as activities to precede, accompany, and follow reading.

  • Well Versed: A Guide to Teaching Poetry

    Enhance understanding with a teaching guide that offers tried and true techniques for bringing poetry into the lives of young people.

Guides to Plays
  • Antony and Cleopatra

    William Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra is a play filled with political intrigue, power struggles, war, and the plight of impassioned lovers. This printable teacher's guide will help you with your classroom discussion of the play.

  • As You Like It

    As You Like It is one of Shakespeare's "marriage" comedies in which love's complications end in recognition of the true identity of the lovers and celebration in marriage. This teacher's guide includes discussion questions, activities, and guidelines for teaching the play.

  • The Crucible

    Try a teacher's guide that provides a synopsis of The Crucible, the classic play by Arthur Miller about the Salem Witch Trials. Also included in this literature guide are discussion questions and extended learning activities.

  • Death of a Salesman

    Enhance reading comprehension with a with a guide that provides questions, exercises, and assignments that guide students' reading and understanding of Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman.

  • Doctor Faustus

    As a genre study, Christopher Marlowe's Doctor Faustus is
    a morality play, a historical allegory, and the tale of a hero gone bad. Use this teacher's guide in collaboration with classroom discussion of the play and study of the Renaissance era.

  • A Doll's House Teacher's Guide

    Build background knowledge in 19th-century history and culture with the lesson planning resources in this teacher's guide for Henrik Ibsen's play A Doll's House. This printable includes a reader's theater, discussion questions, writing prompts, project ideas, and other activities to enhance students' learning before, during, and after reading the play.

  • Hamlet

    Included in this guide to Shakespeare's Hamlet are act-by-act synopses, discussion questions, student activities, and writing topics. Your students will enjoy this tragic play of revenge and familial relationships.

  • Henry IV Part I

    In Henry IV Part I, Shakespeare explores the role of honor in both private and public life, what makes a good leader, and the difficult choices a young man faces when circumstances compel him to mature too fast. This teacher's guide provides a synopsis of the play and suggested teaching activities to help students get the most out of this fascinating play.

  • Henry V

    The themes of William Shakespeare's Henry V include coming of age, justice and mercy, appearance vs. reality, leadership, and the comradery of men in arms. This teaching guide will facilitate the teaching of Henry V by pointing to strategies and resources which can lead
    students to overcome its challenges and appreciate its beauties.

  • Independent Reading Guide: The Play

    Use a teaching guide that helps students analyze the elements of plays, their responses to the selection, and the craft of the genre.

  • Julius Caesar

    One of the most important themes of Shakespeare's Julius Caesar is the question of what qualities make up a good leader. This guide provides a brief overview of the play, followed by teaching ideas to be used before, during, and after reading.

  • King Lear

    In King Lear, by William Shakespeare, Lear retires from the monarchy and gives all power to his three daughters, resulting in a dramatic shift in his relationships and feelings of authority. This guide provides questions, themes, and synopses that are applicable before, during, and after reading the play.

  • Lysistrata

    The plot of Aristophanes's Lysistrata depicts Athenian women who are fed up with the Peloponnesian War, so they orchestrate a sex strike in order to force their husbands to vote for peace with Sparta. This teaching guide will help in your discussion of this funny, bawdy, and historically valuable play.

  • Macbeth

    Explore Macbeth includes a literary overview, suggestions for teaching the play, extended learning activities, and bibliographies.

  • The Mousetrap and Other Plays

    The plays in The Mousetrap and Other Plays cover Agatha Christie's work from 1944 to 1960 and are accessible to all students, due to their short length and overall complexity. This teacher's guide will help in your instruction of these excellent plays.

  • A Midsummer Night's Dream

    With themes of love and friendship, your students will enjoy studying Shakespeare's comedy, A Midsummer Night's Dream. This teaching guide includes act summaries, discussion questions, and extensions intended to further engage your students in the classroom.

  • Measure for Measure

    This teaching guide will assist you in your instruction of Shakespeare's Measure for Measure, a puzzling, yet interesting play about the relationships of people living in the then-corrupt city of Vienna. This play is perfect for mature students.

  • The Merchant of Venice Teacher's Guide

    Introduce students to the common themes in Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice through the pre-reading activities in this printable guide. Then, use the discussion questions and teaching suggestions to enrich students' reading experience of the play.

  • Much Ado About Nothing

    Love, villainy, friendship, parent-child relationships, society, and customs – Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing touches on all of these themes. This teacher's guide presents strategies and activities to use in presenting the play to your students.

  • Othello

    Enhance understanding with a teaching guide for Shakespeare's Othello provides a variety of ideas and activities to serve as a springboard to enrich student learning. Intense feelings are exhibited in this play -- love, hate, jealousy, envy, even lust -- which makes it a perfect choice for mature students.

  • Pygmalion Teacher's Guide

    Utilize the resources in this teacher's guide to explore the historic, cultural, and linguistic significance of Pygmalion, a Victorian play by George Bernard Shaw. This printable packet includes enrichment activities that you can use before, during, and after reading this play.

  • A Raisin in the Sun

    Enhance understanding with a teaching guide for Hansberry's Raisin in the Sun contains an annotated list of characters, a brief synopsis of the screenplay, and teaching suggestions to be used before, during, and after reading the play. This literature guide makes a perfect lesson for Black History Month.

  • Richard III

    Explore Shakespeare's Richard III includes a variety of activities and discussion questions to stimulate students' reactions and responses to this history play. The complexity of background information, the quick shifts of action, and the large number of characters makes this play appropriate for high school students who need a challenge.

  • Romeo and Juliet

    Use a teaching guide that includes a synopsis and commentary of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, teaching activities, discussion questions, and essay topics. The famous tragedy of star-crossed lovers will fascinate your students; it is a good choice as an introduction to Shakespeare's plays.

  • The Stone Diaries

    Use this reader's guide for The Stone Diaries with adult book groups.

  • A Streetcar Named Desire

    A Streetcar Named Desire, by Tennessee Williams, contains considerable complexity both in individual characters and in relationships among those characters. The teaching activities are largely based on a belief that staging the play is the most effective way to involve students in thinking about and responding to the story.

  • The Taming of the Shrew

    Because The Taming of the Shrew deals with relationships between several different "courting" couples, it can capture the attention of adolescents. The lively comic plot and appealing characters make it an excellent introduction to Shakespeare. This guide includes a brief overview, suggestions for teaching the play, and extended learning activities.

  • The Tempest

    Shakespeare's last play, The Tempest, covers the serious topics of colonialism and imperialism, making this work perfect for cross-curricular study. This guide includes a detailed synopsis and suggested teaching activities for before, during, and after reading the play.

  • Twelfth Night

    Shakespeare's Twelfth Night, or What You Will, the story of a brother and sister, is an interesting blend of the sadness, romance, farcical comedy, gentle sarcasm, and irony. This guide to the play provides an act-by-act summary and activities to use while teaching the play in your classroom.

  • Zap Teacher's Guide

    Utilize the pre-reading resources, discussion questions, and activities in this literature guide to put Zap in an historical context and to help students understand the play.

Guides to Nonfiction
  • American Indian Stories, Legends, and Other Writings

    Enrichment activities, web resources, and literature tie-ins related to Zitkala-Sa's collection American Indian Stories, Legends, and Other Writings.

  • Ana's Story: A Journey of Hope Educator's Guide

    Based on her work with UNICEF in Latin America, this guide to Ana's Story: A Journey of Hope by Jenna Bush will help students reflect on the themes of the book and expand their learning. Themes include living with HIV, keeping secrets, breaking cycles of abuse and infection, and struggling with poverty. The five lessons and four handouts in this guide are correlated to U.S. national standards.

  • Chew on This Teacher's Guide

    Engage your students' interest in their health and well-being with the interdisciplinary activities in this teacher's guide for Chew on This: Everything You Don't Want to Know About Fast Food. This guide includes lesson planning ideas and discussion questions about nutrition, the history of fast food, and the practices of fast-food corporations.

  • The Color of Water

    Explore teaching activities to extend students' understanding and appreciation of The Color of Water – a book about race and identity – by James McBride.

  • Declare Yourself Teacher's Guide

    After reading the collection of nonpartisan essays in Declare Yourself, use this guide to plan a Declare Yourself event for your school or library as you teach teenagers about voting, political activism, and democracy.

  • Eats, Shoots & Leaves

    Enhance reading comprehension with a with a guide that provides resources and teaching activities to be used with Eats, Shoots & Leaves, by Lynne Truss.

  • A Teacher's Guide for Good Brother, Bad Brother: The Story of Edwin Booth and John Wilkes Booth

    The six lessons in this literature guide for Good Brother, Bad Brother: The Story of Edwin Booth and John Wilkes Booth will help you explore American history, culture, and politics during the time of Lincoln. Included are lesson planning ideas, interdisciplinary activities, assessment rubrics, and additional Internet resources to supplement your history curriculum.

  • The Growing Seasons

    Use a teacher guide to provide activities and discussion questions to be used with the autobiography The Growing Seasons, author Samuel Hynes' "scrapbook" of memories growing up during World War II.

  • Hiroshima

    Enrichment activities and Internet resources to enhance the teaching of John Hershey's Hiroshima, an account of the bombing of Hiroshima in 1945, told from the perspective of six survivors.

  • Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl Teacher's Guide

    Use the lesson planning resources in this printable guide to Harriet Jacobs's Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl to explore the literary elements and historical information in this classic female slave narrative.

  • Independent Reading Guide: Nonfiction

    Use a teaching guide that helps students analyze the elements of nonfiction, their responses to the selection, and the craft of the genre.

  • Listening Is an Act of Love Teacher's Guide

    Celebrate communication skills with this teacher's guide to Lisa Winkler's Listening Is an Act of Love: A Celebration of American Life from the StoryCorps Project. Use the lesson planning resources in this printable to teach students of all ages about the power of storytelling and how to conduct successful interviews.

  • Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass

    Enhance understanding with a teaching guide for the Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, which provides questions and activities for each chapter as well as a suggested bibliography for extended learning. This text is a great supplement for your Black History Month curriculum or when studying pre-Revolutionary America.

  • The Omnivore's Dilemma Teacher's Guide

    Get a fresh perspective on what we eat with this teacher's guide to Michael Pollan's The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals, a book that investigates culinary traditions and three modern food chains. This printable literature guide includes a summary and reading comprehension questions for each chapter.

  • The Pact

    Use a teacher guide to provide teaching activities to be used with The Pact by Drs. Sampson Davis, George Jenkins, and Rameck Hunt.

  • Of Plymouth Plantation

    Lessons, websites, recommended books concerning William Bradford's Of Plymouth Plantation to expand classroom discussion. Also includes excerpts from Of Plymouth Plantation and other related documents. Discussion of this document makes a great Thanksgiving activity.

  • On the Road

    Use a teaching guide that includes background information on author Jack Kerouac as well as discussion questions and resource links for use with the book. On the Road epitomized to the world what became known as "the Beat generation."

  • September 11: A Testimony

    This outstanding book contains photographs taken by the staff of Reuters after the terrorist attacks on the United States on September 11, 2001.

  • September 11, 2001: Attack on New York City Teacher's Guide

    This printable teacher's guide contains discussion questions, lesson ideas, and extension activities for September 11, 2001: Attack on New York City, a book of firsthand accounts by people who lived through the terrorist attacks. The resources in this literature guide will help your students examine how the events of 9/11 impacted individuals, the U.S. economy, world politics, and international relations.

  • The Signet Book of American Essays

    The Signet Book of American Essays contains thoughtful and interesting essays from a variety of authors, from Ben Franklin to Eudora Welty. This teaching guide will assist you in using the book in your classroom curriculum.

  • Twinkie, Deconstructed Teacher's Guide

    Explore the modern food industry, the history of food processing, and the role foods play in our culture with the discussion questions and writing prompts in this literature guide for Steve Ettlinger's Twinkie, Deconstructed. This printable also includes many projects about the chemistry of food and its production.

  • Two Years Before the Mast

    Two Years Before the Mast is a powerful 19th century personal narrative that will provide students with an authentic understanding of America's maritime heritage and the tremendous difficulties endured by sailors. This teacher's guide emphasizes the importance of the genre of personal narrative and the connection of historical events to today's times.

  • Up Close: Babe Ruth Discussion Guide

    Enrich student's understanding of Babe Ruth's life and career with this discussion guide to a biography about the baseball great. This literature resource includes comprehension questions, critical thinking questions, and activities for Up Close: Babe Ruth, by Wilborn Hampton.

  • Up Close: Bill Gates Discussion Guide

    Further students' understanding of technology and civilization through these reading comprehension and discussion questions for Up Close: Bill Gates, a biography by Marc Aronson. Use this literature guide to encourage thought-provoking classroom conversation about the character and attitude of Bill Gates, the history of Microsoft, and the success of his business ventures.

  • Up Close: Ella Fitzgerald Discussion Guide

    Encourage reading comprehension, critical thinking, and thought-provoking classroom conversation with the questions in this teacher's guide for Up Close: Ella Fitzgerald, a biography by Tanya Lee Stone. Students will learn about the Harlem Renaissance and discuss the challenges jazz legend Ella Fitzgerald faced as a black vocalist in the 1960s.

  • Up Close: Harper Lee Discussion Guide

    Discuss the life and work of Harper Lee—author of To Kill a Mockingbird—with your students. Use the questions in this guide for Up Close: Harper Lee, a biography by Kerry Madden, to promote critical thinking and encourage thought-provoking conversation.

  • Up from Slavery

    Booker T. Washington's autobiography, Up from Slavery is an inspirational story of hard work and positive goals, the epitome of the American dream. This teaching guide suggests prereading, during reading, and after reading questions and activities.

  • The Wal-Mart Effect Discussion & Activity Guide

    Get students thinking about business and economics with this discussion and activity guide to The Wal-Mart Effect: How the World's Most Powerful Company Really Works–and How It's Transforming the American Economy by Charles Fishman. Through the discussion questions and project ideas in this literature guide, students will consider the influence of such a large corporation on towns, small businesses, and the makers of consumer products.

  • War in the Middle East: A Reporter's Story Discussion Guide

    Refer to the discussion questions in this guide before, during, and after reading War in the Middle East: A Reporter's Story to encourage critical thinking about war and world politics. Use these resources with the book to teach students about the history of events leading up to Black September and the Yom Kippur War.

  • Discussion Guide for War Is...

    Thought-provoking discussion questions for War Is... will help you begin or extend a classroom conversation about the nature of war.

  • We Beat the Street Discussion Guide

    Provoke students' thoughts on peer pressure, friendship, and their goals in life with discussion questions for We Beat the Street, a true story about three teenagers and the obstacles they overcame. This guide also includes a short biography on the authors, a journaling exercise, and an art activity.

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Close learning gaps this Fall with differentiated writing instruction This resource provides 5 strategies and 2 editabl...

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Math Differentiation and Remediation Strategies for High School


Math Differentiation and Remediation Strategies for High School

Close learning gaps with differentiated and remediated math instruction This resource provides 5 strategies for how to ...

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Reading Differentiation Strategies and Activities for High School


Reading Differentiation Strategies and Activities for High School

Close learning gaps this Fall with differentiated reading instruction This resource provides 5 strategies and 3 editabl...

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