Enhance reading comprehension with a with a guide that provides resources and teaching activities to be used with Eats, Shoots & Leaves, by Lynne Truss.
Featured High School Resources
Reading Differentiation Strategies and Activities for High School
Close learning gaps this Fall with differentiated reading instruction
This resource provides 5 strategies and 3 editabl...
Writing Differentiation Strategies and Activities for High School
Close learning gaps this Fall with differentiated writing instruction
This resource provides 5 strategies and 2 editabl...
Math Differentiation and Remediation Strategies for High School
Close learning gaps with differentiated and remediated math instruction
This resource provides 5 strategies for how to ...
Related Resources
Good Enough to Eat Activity Guide
Keep children involved in learning about nutrition with these activities for Good Enough to Eat by Lizzy Rockwell.
What Suspensions, Emulsions, or Colloids Do You Eat?
Relate health and physical science with a printable that connects the study of colloids, suspensions, and solutions with...
How to Eat Fried Worms
How to Eat Fried Wormsby Thomas Rockwell Include more protein in your diet – add worms! How to Eat Fried Worms has ...
Don't Shoot! I'm the Guitar Man Lesson Plans
Don't Shoot! I'm the Guitar Man is the story of lifelong musician Buzzy Martin and what he learned as a music teacher to...
Educator's Guide to Twenty-Odd Ducks/Eats, Shoots & Leaves/The Girl's Like Spaghetti
Enhance grammar lessons with activities to accompany Twenty-Odd Ducks, Eats, Shoots & Leaves, and The Girl's Like Spaghe...
Falling Leaves
Use this printable writing activity to focus on using a question mark.