60+ chapter-by-chapter study questions for easy exam, quiz, or assignment creation This collection of questions for The…
Use the overview of the key events, people, and places from 1920 to 1929 as an inspiration for projects and assignments.
A list of poster ideas that will help students picture the main ideas and symbols of The Great Gatsby.
Use this vocabulary list and chapter-specific vocabulary quizzes to test students' knowledge of the terms used in The…
A list of important symbols from The Great Gatsby.
Use the journal to help students focus on literary elements as they read, or in lieu of daily reading quizzes for The…
A list of ideas for written or oral reports concerning the 1920's.
A timeline of the major events in the women's rights movement, from 1848 to the present.
An article outlining the case of Sacco and Vanzetti.
An article outlining the Tea Pot Dome scandal.
A timeline of the major events of the 1920's.
An article outlining the Harlem Renaissance and its major players.