Get a sneak peek of what's inside our printable book "Literature Activities (Grades K-4)," with this slideshow. Students will study fiction and nonfiction, fairy tales, jokes and riddles, concepts of a story, and more. This slideshow is just a sampling of all you can find in the printable book!
Find the Book Words
Develop library-skills with an activity that focuses on the parts of a book.
"Don't Monkey Around" -- Library Skills
Develop library-skills with an activity that focuses on the table of contents.
Favorite Fairy Tales
Develop library-skills with an activity that focuses on fairy tales.
Read the Table of Contents
Develop library-skills with an activity that focuses on the table of contents.
Spider Silk
Teach children about the spider's silk fiber and the plants scientists hope to engineer to duplicate its durability with a printable sheet.
Concepts of a Story -- Plot I
Develop library-skills with an activity that focuses on understanding plot.
My Author
Try a library-skills activity that focuses on literature appreciation.
A Whale of a Book
Have your students create their own book about whales.
My Bookworm
Try a library-skills activity that focuses on nonfiction.
Literature Activities Printable Book (K-4)
If you enjoyed this slideshow, you'll love what's in the entire printable book! There are many more pages of literature activities and worksheets inside. The book is only available to subscribers, so to see more
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