Enrichment activities and internet resources to enhance teaching The Jolly Postman by Janet and Allan Ahlberg.
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by Janet and Allan Ahlberg


The Jolly Postman

In this delightful story by British authors Janet and Allan Ahlberg, the Jolly Postman goes from home to home in a fairy-tale kingdom, delivering letters to Goldilocks, Cinderella, Hansel and Gretel, and other well-known characters. The pages of the book are actual envelopes that house real letters. Letters include Goldilocks apologizing to the Three Bears and Jack thanking the Giant for the gold. Wonderful pictures fill this twelve-page book, which will be a real treat in the classroom.


To buy this book, click here or on the book cover.

Enrichment Activities
Internet Resources
Books by Janet and Allan Ahlberg

Enrichment Activities

  • Character Comparison
    Use a Venn diagram to compare and contrast two of the fairy tale characters. Students can draw a picture on each side of the diagram and fill the rest of the space with words that describe each character.
  • Class Discussion Questions
    Discuss the following questions with your class after reading The Jolly Postman: What are some reasons to write letters? What type of letter would you write if someone gave you a gift? What type would you write if you broke a friend's toy? What type would you write if you were having a party? Do you like to get mail?
  • The Jolly Postman Recipe Book
    Send a letter home to parents asking them to help their child pick a favorite treat recipe. Then, have the children name the recipe after a favorite fairy tale character (for example, Cinderella Cupcakes). Compile all of the recipes, send the cookbook home, and arrange for a big classroom feast.
  • Letter Writing
    Have students write a letter to a fairy tale character in the book. Students can ask specific questions that they would like the know the answers to. Then, have students address the envelopes. (For example, Miss Cinderella, 1234 Glass Slipper Way, Princeville, New York 12345.) You could even have students deliver the letters to classmates, who would then pose as the character and answer the questions. Use our letter writing resources to help your students with organizing their letters.
  • Sorting and Graphing Letter Types
    Create a bar graph showing the different kinds of mail people get. Bring in different kinds of mail and let the students sort it by type – letters, postcards, magazines, ads.
  • Story Setting
    Students will describe the different settings that appear in The Jolly Postman.
  • Visit a Post Office
    Plan a field trip to the local post office. Take a digital camera or a Polaroid camera to document what happens to a letter at the post office. Or, have a postal carrier be a guest speaker in your class.

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