Find enrichment activities and Internet resources to enhance your teaching of Alan Schroeder's Minty: A Story of Young Harriet Tubman. This is a great guide to use during your study of the American Civil War or Black History Month (February).
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by Alan Schroeder

Minty: A Story of Young Harriet TubmanIllustrated by four-time Caldecott Honor recipient Jerry Pinkney, this beautifully written book by Alan Schroeder tells the story of Harriet Tubman's childhood. As a young slave nicknamed "Minty," Harriet was a feisty and stubborn girl with a dream to escape. Her mother tried to teach her to be more disciplined and listen to her master. Her father, on the other hand, showed Minty the "Drinking Gourd" and described the possibilities it held for her freedom in the future.

To buy this book, click here or on the book cover.

Enrichment Activities
Internet Resources
Books by Alan Schroeder

Enrichment Activities

  • Follow the Drinking Gourd Song
    Teach students about Harriet Tubman and the song she used to sing while leading slaves to their freedom in Canada.

  • Mapping Practice
    Harriet Tubman lived to be over 90 years of age. She spent her last year living in Auburn, New York. Locate the town on a map – find a website that provides maps for Auburn, New York. Ask students if it's near a lake or several lakes. What is the closest big city to Auburn? Where is Auburn in relation to our city?

  • Nominating Great Leaders
    Harriet Tubman was described as the Moses (great leader) of her day. Students can nominate candidates for the "Moses of Today." Have them explain why they chose their candidates. You can browse through the Biographies theme for ideas.

  • Three Adjectives
    Present students with the following questions: What word would we choose to describe Harriet Tubman as a young girl? As a young woman? As an older woman? Make three big classroom lists, using all of the contributions from students.

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