Internet Resources
Alan Schroeder Biography
Grade Levels: Middle, Secondary
Learn more about this award-winning author, who lives in California.
Harriet Tubman
Grade Levels: Primary, Intermediate
An excellent website constructed by a second-grade class and their teacher. Activities include eight crossword puzzles, vocabulary word lists, timelines, character profiles, and much more.
Harriet Tubman Biography
Grade Levels: Primary, Intermediate, Middle
This website give background information on the life of "The Moses of Her People," Harriet Tubman.
Harriet Tubman Home
Grade Levels: Primary, Intermediate, Middle
The home where Harriet Tubman lived and died is located on 26 acres of land in Auburn, New York. Included on this site are photographs of her home.
Underground Railroad Virtual Journey
Grade Levels: Primary, Intermediate, Middle
Making choices of their own, students follow Harriet Tubman on one of her many freedom trips up the east coast.
Books by Alan Schroeder
Booker T. Washington: Educator
Carolina Shout!
Charlie Chaplin: The Beauty of Silence
Jack London
James Dean
Josephine Baker
Lily and the Wooden Bowl
Minty: A Story of Young Harriet Tubman
Presidential Debates
Ragtime Tumpie
Satchmo's Blues
Smoky Mountain Rose: An Appalachian Cinderella
The Stone Lion
Tale of Willie Monroe