Laura Joffe Numeroff's humorous book If You Give a Mouse a Cookie tells the story of a demanding mouse and the child who deals with him. This lesson includes activities and resources to go with the book.
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Books by Laura Joffe Numeroff

If You Give a Moose a Muffin
Grade Levels: Pre-K – Primary
Silly, circular tale in the style of If You Give a Mouse a Cookie.

If You Give a Pig a Pancake
Grade Levels: Pre-K – Primary
This time, a pig's wishes escalate in grand silliness.

Chimps Don't Wear Glasses
Grade Levels: Pre-K – Primary
Rhyming statements about what animals don't do are illustrated with lively pictures that show them trying to do those things.

Monster Munchies
Grade Levels: Pre-K – Primary
An easy-reader, this rhyming book describes monsters eating things as they count to 20.

Sometimes I Wonder If Poodles Like Noodles
Grade Levels: Pre-K – Primary
Short, rhyming poems about everyday items and fancies.

Two for Stew
Grade Levels: Pre-K – Primary
A woman and her poodle want a restaurant's famous stew, but it's all gone and the waiter tries to talk them into ordering something else.

Featured 3th Grade Resources

Movement Activities for Elementary Students


Movement Activities for Elementary Students

Break up the day and get your students moving with these movement activities for elementary students.

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Simple STEAM Suggestions


Simple STEAM Suggestions

Bring Science,Technology, Engineering, Art and Math into the classroom with these fun, cross-curricular projects for ele...

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Indoor Recess Choice Board Activities for Elementary


Indoor Recess Choice Board Activities for Elementary

This menu features a selection of simple and engaging student-choice indoor recess activities.

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