The Napping House
by Audrey WoodTo buy this book, click here or on the book cover.
Enrichment Activities
Books by Audrey Wood
Enrichment Activities
- Math and Science Activities
Incorporate math into this book experience by counting the critters in the story. Have students make up more problems by adding or taking away different animals. Or work in some science by categorizing the animals with the children. - Pajama Day
Have a Pajama Day and retell the story in a play. Assign students to be the different characters in small groups or as a whole class. - Prediction List
Ask the children to predict what they think the story will be about, based on the title.Write their predictions on the board. Afterwards, compare their predictions with the actual plot. - Sing Lullabies
Sleepy people need lullabies, so when you've stopped singing cumulative songs, you can switch to lullabies. Use familiar ones and have the children rate them for their relaxation potential. Take one favorite lullaby and rewrite it for a monster, a mouse, and a crab. - Write a Story
Write a chain-reaction, make-believe story using the following words: mother, pizza, brother, ocean, sister, bee, bike, kite. Then, have the students share their stories with the class.
Books by Audrey Wood
Alphabet Adventure, 2001Alphabet Mystery, 2003
Balloonia, 1989
Big Hungry Bear, 1998
Birdsong, 1997
Book for Honey Bear: Reading Keeps the Sighs Away, 2001
Box of Horrors, 2002
Bright and Early Thursday Evening: A Tangled Tale, 1996
The Bunyans, 1996
The Christmas Adventure of Space Elf Sam, 1998
A Cowboy Christmas: The Miracle at Lone Pine Ridge, 2001
Dragonfly Metamorphoses, 2002
Elbert's Bad Word, 1996
The Flying Dragon Room, 2000
Heckedy Peg, 1987
I Gatti Spaventati, 1998
I'm as Quick as a Cricket, 1998
Jubal's Wish, 2000
King Bidgood's in the Bathtub, 1985
The Little Mouse, the Red Ripe Strawberry, and the Big Hungry Bear, 1990
Little Penguin's Tale, 1993
Magic Shoelaces, 1989
Magnetic Venture: The Story of Oxford Instruments, 2000
Merry Christmas: Big Hungry Bear!, 2002
Moonflute, 1986
The Napping House, 1984
Oh My Baby Bear!, 1995
Orlando's Little While Friends, 1989
Piggies, 1991
Presto Change-O, 1989
The Princess and the Dragon, 1989
The Rainbow Bridge, 1995
The Red Racer, 1996
Rude Giants, 1993
Scaredy Cats, 1989
Silly Sally, 1994
Sweet Dream Pie, 1998
There Were Ten in the Bed, 2002
The Tickleoctopus, 1994
Tooth Fairy, 1990
Twenty-Four Robbers, 1990
Weird Parents, 1995