- Students will get to know one another while participating in a non-threatening activity.
- Students will practice conducting an interview.
- Students will make baseball cards containing vital statistics about their classmates.
- The teacher will have cards with information about each student on them for reference.
- Copies of the Baseball Card Interview Questions
- Polaroid camera
- Enough film to take a photo of every student
- Construction paper cut the exact same size and shape as a Polaroid picture (cut one square for every student in the class)
- Crayons
- Coloured pencils
- Markers
- Glue or double-sided tape
- NOTE: This project works just as well if students draw pictures of one another rather than using photographs.
- Pair each student with a partner.
- Ask each student to interview his/her partner (using the Baseball Card Interview Questions ) and to write down all of the information they gather.
- While students are interviewing one another, take a quick photo of each child.
- Once the interviews are finished, ask each student to transfer the information onto one of the squares of construction paper.
- Ask student to decorate the construction paper using the crayons, pencils and/or markers.
- Attach the completed square to the back of the photograph using tape or glue.
- Gather students in a circle and have each pair of partners introduce one another using the baseball cards.