This 5th grade science worksheet features a vocabulary list and crossword puzzle covering the parts of a cell and is designed to supplement a 5th grade human body systems or biology lesson. Students will review vocabulary terms related to the parts of a cell and fill in the crossword with the vocabulary terms they have learned. This science worksheet can be differentiated for 4th grade through 6th grade science lessons.
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Differentiated Lessons & Assessments: Science Grade 5
Practical strategies, activities, and assessments help teachers differentiate lessons to meet the individual needs, styles, and abilities of students. Each unit of study includes key concepts, discussion topics, vocabulary, and assessments in addition to a wide range of activities for visual, logical, verbal, musical, and kinesthetic learners. Helpful extras include generic strategies and activities for differentiating lessons and McREL content standards. Topics include Cells; The Human Body; Space; Earth and the Solar System; Properties of Matter; Chemical Changes in Matter; Force and Motion; and Energy