Use the slideshow, teacher resources, and student worksheets in this science mini-lesson to give students a general overview of the ecosystem of deserts. This mini-lesson can be taught as part of 1 or 2 45-minute class periods. The activities and exercises can be completed in class or given as take-home assignments. The lesson content is accessible and approachable for both science teachers and generalists, and includes background material for brush-up or pre-lecture preparation.

Use this mini-lesson to introduce students to the ecosystem of deserts. Introduce students to plant and animal adaptations that help organisms survive in the harsh desert environment.
Excerpted from
Eyewitness: Desert
Miranda MacQuitty
Eyewitness: Desert is a detailed guide to some of the most inhospitable places on Earth. This book treks across the Earth's most parched places to find some of the greatest stories of adaptation and survival.
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