Explain evergreens and create a forest in your classroom with this bulletin board idea for winter.
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Evergreen Tree Bulletin Board for Winter

Explain evergreens and create a forest in your classroom with this bulletin board idea. View an example of this bulletin board idea for December (Christmas) or when you're studying the different types of trees and their seasonal properties.

Materials and Supplies

  • Medium-blue cloth background
  • Black border
  • Black letters
  • Black, yellow, and green colored paper (Several shades of green are preferable, so the trees will stand out individually.)
  • Large brown grocery bag (optional)
  • Newspapers (optional)
  • Any white paper that crayons can write on (Used computer paper, clean on one side, is good.)
  • Wide-tipped black marker
  • Wide, clear shipping tape
  • 6" saucer or 10" plate
  • Crayons
  • Glue


  1. Ask the children if there are trees that don't change colors or lose their leaves in autumn. Evergreen trees have dark-green needlelike leaves and stay green all winter. In the spring new, light-green needlelike leaves begin to appear at the end of each dark-green cluster of leaves. So the leaves are always green.
  2. Cut black tree trunks from the tree pattern.
  3. Using the tree pattern for tree crowns, fold paper and cut two kinds of crowns. One has straight lines and the other, from the optional dotted-line pattern, has pointed sides. If you use white paper for crowns, color the crowns different shades of green – light to very dark – for variation. As an option, cut crowns from colored paper, brown grocery bags, or newspapers, and make them different shades of green.
  4. Glue trunks in place.
  5. Outline each tree with black marker, if needed, so it stands out from the others.
  6. Cut a yellow sun by tracing around a 6" saucer or a larger plate.
  7. To make a very large tree crown for the wall of your classroom, cut open six large brown grocery bags down the back seams and cut off the bottoms. Open the bags and glue the six bags together, overlapping each 1/2".
  8. Cut a triangular crown from the top center down to each corner. The tree crown will be 6' tall and 4' wide at the bottom. Paint it green.
  9. Cut a trunk 6" wide and 16" long. Paint it black. Glue the trunk to the bottom of the tree, overlapping 1/2".
  10. Tape the tree to the wall with the wide tape.

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