This worksheet is to be used in conjunction with the Wampanoag Thanksgiving lesson plan. It reviews facts about the American Indians at the center of the Thanksgiving holiday. This is a great way to introduce students to the history of Thanksgiving, as well as American Indian history.

Wampanoag Thanksgiving Worksheet



Plimoth Plantation has created a website about the Wampanoag, including their current culture and history. Let’s look at a few pages from this site in order to learn more about what Thanksgiving means to the Native People. Use the information you find on the site to answer the following questions.

I. Go to the page “Who Are the Wampanoag?”:

1) What does the name "Wampanoag" mean?

2) Where did the Wampanoag live during winter?

3) Where did the Wampanoag live during the summer, spring, and fall?

II. Go to the page “Thanksgiving”:

4) To the Wampanoag, is Thanksgiving just one day?

5) How many days did the harvest festival of 1621, known to us as the first Thanksgiving, last?

6) How many Native People attended the harvest festival of 1621?

III. Now go to the page “Growing Food”:

7) What animal did the Wampanoag use to fertilize the land?

8) How were the Wampanoags able to have enough food during the winter months?

9) What percentage of the Wampanoag diet was meat?

IV. Now go to the page “What's for Dinner?”:

10) Name the four ways the Wampanoag gathered food.

11) Name two foods the Wampanoag ate that you've never eaten.

12) Name two foods the Wompanoag ate that you have eaten.

V. Questions for yourself

13) What does Thanksgiving mean to you?

14) In the 1600s, everyone ate according to the season. Do you have a seasonal diet? If not, why?

15) If you could invent another national holiday to accompany the harvesting or growing of food, when would it occur and what would it be? For example, you might celebrate planting seeds in the spring.


For more interactive learning about the Wampanoag People, go to the page “You are the historian: Investigating the first Thanksgiving”:

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