- Students will list the things for which they are thankful.
- Students will practice their fine-motor skills.
- Old magazines
- Construction paper
- Child-safe scissors
- Double-sided transparent tape
- Clear contact paper
- Put the following chart on the board:
We are thankful for: Pictures to find in magazines: - Have students generate a list of things for which they are thankful. Write student suggestions in the appropriate box on the board.
- Tell students that they will be looking for pictures of these words or ideas in magazines.
- Brainstorm a list of pictures students could cut out of magazines that would show their ideas.
- Add these to the chart. (See below)
We are thankful for: Pictures to find in magazines Brothers and sisters Children hugging.
Children playing together.Toys Children playing with toys.
Pictures of toys.Family A family eating dinner.
A family in a car.Television A TV.
A character from your favorite show. - Instruct students to select five things for which they are thankful.
- Distribute child-safe scissors and magazines.
- Tell students to cut out pictures that represent the five things for which they are thankful.
- Distribute construction paper and tape.
- Ask students to write a title along the edge of the long side of the paper; for example: "Things for which I am thankful" or "I'm glad to have these things in my life."
- Tell students to tape their pictures onto the paper and to label them.
- Cover each student's work (both front and back) in clear contact paper.
- Have students show their placemats to one another.