
  • Students will list the things for which they are thankful.
  • Students will practice their fine-motor skills.


  • Old magazines
  • Construction paper
  • Child-safe scissors
  • Double-sided transparent tape
  • Clear contact paper


  1. Put the following chart on the board:

    We are thankful for:Pictures to find in magazines:

  2. Have students generate a list of things for which they are thankful. Write student suggestions in the appropriate box on the board.

  3. Tell students that they will be looking for pictures of these words or ideas in magazines.

  4. Brainstorm a list of pictures students could cut out of magazines that would show their ideas.

  5. Add these to the chart. (See below)

    We are thankful for:Pictures to find in magazines
    Brothers and sistersChildren hugging.
    Children playing together.
    ToysChildren playing with toys.
    Pictures of toys.
    Family A family eating dinner.
    A family in a car.
    TelevisionA TV.
    A character from your favorite show.

  6. Instruct students to select five things for which they are thankful.

  7. Distribute child-safe scissors and magazines.

  8. Tell students to cut out pictures that represent the five things for which they are thankful.

  9. Distribute construction paper and tape.

  10. Ask students to write a title along the edge of the long side of the paper; for example: "Things for which I am thankful" or "I'm glad to have these things in my life."

  11. Tell students to tape their pictures onto the paper and to label them.

  12. Cover each student's work (both front and back) in clear contact paper.

  13. Have students show their placemats to one another.
Go to Thankful List Lesson Plan.
Students create placemats that show pictures of things for which they are thankful. This is an excellent Thanksgiving arts & crafts activity that also teaches students to appreciate their fortune.

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