Get students excited about ancient history with these printable worksheets for Mythology: The Gods, Heroes, and Monsters…
This packet of worksheets includes fun activities about ancient Egypt, Greek mythology, dragons, pirates, monsters, and…
Students create imaginative stories with the flavor of cultural mythology.
An epic adventure poem from the beginning of Greek literature, The Iliad has long been attributed to the poet Homer,…
How much do you know about Greek gods and goddesses? Using the information in this printable, students complete a Greek…
This multiple-choice quiz about religion in ancient Greece includes questions about gods, goddesses, Greek mythology,…
There are many gods and goddesses on Poptropica's Mythology Island, all with a different realm of power. Match the Greek…
Hold a Junior Genius Jeopardy! Game in your classroom. This printable classroom guide to Ken Jennings' Junior Genius…
This reference takes a look at important goddesses around the world.
Learn more about Cupid, the ancient Roman god of love.
Use a teaching guide that helps students analyze the elements of myths and folktales, their responses to the selection,…
A chart listing Greek and Roman gods and important places in Greek mythology.
A chart listing Egyptian gods and important places in Egyptian mythology.
In this simulation, students pretend they were alive in ancient times and create their own legend to explain various…
Administer a quiz that demonstrates the variety of Greek mythology found in J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series. Your…
Build on your study of ancient civilizations with this reading guide to the three books in the Oracle Prophecies by…
Use the discussion questions, curriculum-connection activities, and creative-writing prompts in this teacher's guide for…
The pre-reading activities in this guide will provide students with a basic knowledge of mythology and prepare them to…
Enrich your study of religions and ancient civilisations with discussion points and cross-curricular activities to…
Share these key facts about religion in ancient Greece with your students. Learn about gods and goddesses and how they…
Learn about the palace at Knossos, one of the most important ceremonial and political centers of the Bronze Age. After…
In this mythology activity, students read two stories about Greek heroes: The Twelve Labors of Hercules and Perseus &…
Give students this worksheet to teach them about ideas of death and the afterlife in ancient Greece. Students are asked…
What is the difference between a hobgoblin and a troll? Use this activity kit with Imaginary Menagerie by Julie Larios…