Eyewitness Workbook Ancient Greece is an activity-packed exploration of the lives and history of the ancient Greeks.…
The Greeks invented theater in Athens over 2,500 years ago! Learn more about Greek theater with these reading…
Give students a general introduction to the beginnings of the modern Olympic Games with these PowerPoint slides. Visit…
Share key facts about the ancient Olympic games with your students. Learn about the Olympic festival, ancient sports,…
Test students' knowledge of ancient Greece with this multiple-choice history quiz. This printable includes questions…
After learning about city-states and the ancient Greek world, have students label the map in this printable and complete…
Learn about storytelling in ancient Greece while completing this activity about Trojan war heroes. Students sort Greek…
Discover how the ancient Greeks entertained themselves with fun and games, theater, and sports competitions such as the…
How much do you know about Greek gods and goddesses? Using the information in this printable, students complete a Greek…
Learn what Greeks did for amusement during ancient times! Students will read through and order events at a symposium…
This multiple-choice quiz about religion in ancient Greece includes questions about gods, goddesses, Greek mythology,…
There are many gods and goddesses on Poptropica's Mythology Island, all with a different realm of power. Match the Greek…
Hold a Junior Genius Jeopardy! Game in your classroom. This printable classroom guide to Ken Jennings' Junior Genius…
Discover the lives of ancient Greeks—from their myths and gods to the first Olympics. Eyewitness: Ancient Greece…
Introduce students to the people and history of ancient Greece, from the Bronze Age to the Hellenistic Age. This…
During the Bronze Age, the Minoans and the Mycenaeans dominated the Greek world. Read this printable to learn key facts…
Read about Athens, the strongest city-state in ancient Greece and the birthplace of democracy. Students will label parts…
After reading about the lives of women in ancient Greece, students determine whether statements are true or false. This…
Educate students about trade, jobs, and money in ancient Greece with this printable activity. Students calculate the…
Introduce students to the Greek alphabet, and learn how boys were educated in ancient Greece. In this activity, students…
Use this mini-lesson to introduce students to the life in ancient Greece. Teach them how the roles of men and women were…
This resource is designed to be used in conjunction with the Life in Ancient Greece Mini-Lesson. Use this resource as an…
Become an instant expert on ancient Greece. Find motivational mini-lessons and the reference material you need to…
Culture, religion, and festivals – what do your students know about Ancient Greece? Give them this quiz to find out.