Take a look inside our printable book "Safety Activities(Grades K-4)," with this sneak peek slideshow. Ensure that your students understand how they can stay safe, with these featured worksheets, covering everything from cars to weather. This slideshow is just a sampling of all you can find in the printable book!
Helping Others

Helping Others

Explore an activity that promotes helping others.
Clean Up

Clean Up

Explore an activity that concentrates on ways to be responsible at home.
Watch Out! Safety Tips

Watch Out! Safety Tips

Students learn about important safety tips.
Danger! Thin Ice

Danger! Thin Ice

Help children learn about the dangers of thin ice with this activity.
Kitchen Safety

Kitchen Safety

Help familiarize your students with basic kitchen safety rules.
The Bicycle Path to Safety

The Bicycle Path to Safety

Students play a bicycle safety board game to learn about being a safe bicycle rider.
Poisonous Plants

Poisonous Plants

Students identify poison ivy plants and complete a word scramble.
The Lady in the Car

The Lady in the Car

Students read a story about a stranger approaching a girl and decide what the girl should do next.
Outdoor Safety Check

Outdoor Safety Check

Students become aware of potential backyard dangers by completing sentences about some outdoor risks.
Safety Activities Printable Book (Grades K-4)

Safety Activities Printable Book (Grades K-4)

If you enjoyed this slideshow, you'll love what's in the entire printable book! There are plenty more safety activities and worksheets inside. The book is only available to subscribers, so to see more sign up for a free-trial membership today!

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