This graphic organizer provides writing prompts that support students to reflect on what is going well in the classroom,…
Editable PDF customizable for your lesson plan 5-step process map graphic organizer Useful for multiple subjects -…
Many teachers reinforce students' skills and understanding with our top 10 science graphic organizers. This collection…
Support your students to hold themselves accountable for their work in class by providing them with a checklist. In…
Arrange a main idea and four supporting examples on a spider map. This printable is customizable. Tailor the PDF to your…
This printable will help teachers organize their weekly plans in a customizable chart. Tailor the PDF to your teaching…
4-digit charts help students understand place-value. This printable is customizable. Tailor the PDF to your teaching…
Reinforce the concepts of main idea and supporting details (CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.CCRA.R.2) with this clever graphic…
This choice board is a great way for your students to apply the reading strategies they are learning! They will practice…
Use this learning contract with your students as an agreement for assigned projects. Through the use of contracts,…
It is important to set both clear and high expectations for your students, and to create systems that hold them…
Help your students tell their own stories! Use this printable writing packet to teach students how to write a personal…
This choice board is a great way for your students to practice multiplication. They will demonstrate their understanding…
Help students build their reading comprehension or prewriting skills through organizing main ideas and supporting…
This choice board is a great way for your students to practice what they've learned about weather. There are nine…
This printable features multicolored strips that can be cut out to help students with practicing fractions. Fractions…
This resource provides for different breathing techniques that you can teach your students.
Use this graphic organizer to help students brainstorm how groups work well together and what they need from each other…
Teachers can use this blank printable to organize their class list and grades. This printable is customizable. Tailor…
This choice board is a great way for your students to practice what they've learned about colonial times. There are nine…
Help students plan their school projects with ease using this printable project proposal template. This printable…
This KWL Chart will help students organize what they know, want to know, and will learn by following a lesson. This…
Use this graphic organizer while teaching any subject to help your students understand the cause and effect. This…