Pupils will use the Internet and library resources to research religious intolerance throughout history. In this…
Learn about the steps involved in becoming a Catholic saint, including beatification and…
Read about the life of Pope Benedict XVI, who succeeded John Paul II as pope in 2005.
Sir Thomas More is a Catholic saint. Read this biography to learn more about the life and death of this British writer…
Learn about John Calvin's life and how he influenced Western Christian thought by reading this biography of the…
Read about Buddhism, one of the major religions of the world, with this article about its history and teachings.
Read about the origins of halloween. This history of the holiday reviews All Saints' Day, All Souls' Day and Samhain.
Learn about celebrations for Muslims around the world. This reference reviews major Islamic holidays and notes the dates…
Find up-to-date information on the religion of Islam and how its followers practice in America.
Information on bin Laden's terrorist organization.
Read about the emergence, traditions, and practices of Sikhism, a major religion of India and the fifth-largest faith in…
Use a teaching guide that helps students analyze the elements of myths and folktales, their responses to the selection,…
The discussion questions in this printable reader's guide to A Certain Slant of Light will help you and your students…
Use a lesson that helps students examine their assumptions about what religion is, and explore some of the reasons why…
Answer questions about saint's days and how they are celebrated in Europe.
Build on your study of ancient civilizations with this reading guide to the three books in the Oracle Prophecies by…
Extend pupils' enjoyment of Soul Enchilada by David Macinnis Gill with the extension activities and discussion questions…
The pre-reading activities in this guide will provide students with a basic knowledge of mythology and prepare them to…
Engage students in the study of the themes and text of Henry David Thoreau's essay "Civil Disobedience" and Walden. This…
For more than a billion Muslims around the world -- including some 8 million in North America -- Ramadan is a month of…
The Islamic calendar is based on the lunar year of 354 days. The number of days each month is adjusted according to the…
Learn about the mission of Boston University's Center for the Advancement of Ethics and Character.
Discuss the intricacies of a classic tale of good versus evil with the guided questions in this lesson planning unit for…
Celebrated in Mexico, Day of the Dead is observed to honor the souls of loved ones who have died.