Learn about the steps involved in becoming a Catholic saint, including beatification and…
Learn about the role religion plays in the African-American community.
Sir Thomas More is a Catholic saint. Read this biography to learn more about the life and death of this British writer…
Read about the origins of halloween. This history of the holiday reviews All Saints' Day, All Souls' Day and Samhain.
Use a teaching guide that helps students analyze the elements of myths and folktales, their responses to the selection,…
The discussion questions in this printable reader's guide to A Certain Slant of Light will help you and your students…
Use a lesson that helps students examine their assumptions about what religion is, and explore some of the reasons why…
Increase diversity awareness with a lesson that familiarizes students with the basic history, beliefs, and practices of…
Build on your study of ancient civilizations with this reading guide to the three books in the Oracle Prophecies by…
The pre-reading activities in this guide will provide students with a basic knowledge of mythology and prepare them to…
This printable curriculum guide for Storm by Donna Jo Napoli contains activities and discussion questions aligned with…
Non-Christian-based faiths are also prominently influential within African-American life.