Born: Aug. 4, 1961 Birthplace: Honolulu, Hawaii Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. made history in June 2008, when he became…
Find information about the career highlights of Mordecai Richler, a Canadian novelist and critic.
Use a teaching guide that helps students analyze the elements of myths and folktales, their responses to the selection,…
Distribute this printable worksheet that extends students' learning and enhances their appreciation of a book and the…
A brief overview of world history from 1-999 A.D.
An article discussing some of the world's most famous storytellers.
A list of children's books that have been banned along with explanations for their banning.
Descriptions of each type of reference book.
An article about children who have written books.
A list of the Nobel Prize for Literature winners.
A list of Pulitzer Prize winners for Fiction.
A list of Pulitzer Prize winners for U.S. History.
An article listing the dates and places of eclipses occurring between 2005 and 2015.
This resource provides 5 strategies for differentiating or tailoring "the classics" for your ELL students. Focused…
Incorporate creative arts into your curriculum through the poetry, drama, and discussion activities in this teacher's…
Stimulate class discussion and deepen students' understanding of the book Stay with Me through the questions provided in…
Help your students get hooked on history through map activities and story-telling ideas that will make past events come…
Utilize the lesson planning resources in this guide to examine themes of power, corruption, and responsibility in The…
The six lessons in this literature guide for Good Brother, Bad Brother: The Story of Edwin Booth and John Wilkes Booth…
Enrich students' reading experience with the lesson planning resources in this teacher's guide for The Lord of the…
Consider the meaning of heroism with your class as students read The Lord of the Rings, Book Six. This printable…
Teach students about the war on poverty with the resources in this reader's guide for Spitting Image, a book about…
Help students write original poems based on their personal experiences with the seven writing activities in this…
Extend and enhance students' enjoyment of the book The Tarantula Scientist with this printable classroom activities…