Review the characteristics of severe storms in this weather printable. Students will identify whether each…
After reading about four types of storm warning flags in this weather printable, students will label each flag by the…
Review how a station model can provide information about wind speed, wind direction, air pressure, temperature, and…
In this Earth science printable, students will review types of air masses, clouds, precipitation, and other weather…
This Earth science printable asks students to complete statements about weather and climate. As a skill challenge,…
This Earth science printable about weather and climate asks students to label a diagram of a mountain and correct false…
The questions in this Earth science printable will help students review how climate affects living things. As a skill…
Assess students' knowledge and understanding of climatology with this Earth science test. Weather conditions, climate…
Have students complete the paragraphs about weather prediction and practice their weather vocabulary.
Students can practice weather and wind vocabulary words by completing each sentence.
Students practice vocabulary relevant to weather and air by reading the definition and using the word in a sentence they…
Students will make their own flashcards to practice vocabulary words pertaining to wind weather terms.
Weather is a natural phenomena. Giver students this quiz to see how much they know about extreme weather disasters.
Learn how sunlight drives the world's weather. Discover key facts about the Sun and the seasons in this weather…
Give students this weather worksheet to help them learn how temperature and moisture affect air. Students will read…
Learn how to make a rain gauge with common household items. As part of this weather activity, students will chart the…
Quiz students about snow and teach them about hail with this weather worksheet. Students will learn how hail is formed…
How much do you know about fog and frost? Using the facts in this weather worksheet, students evaluate true/false…
Examine how extreme weather can harm the environment. In these weather worksheets, students map weather-related…
Use this vocabulary list with the Weather Conversions lesson.
Us this chart to factor in the temperature with the wind to formulate a wind chill reading.
Find out the names of types of clouds.
Use this mini-lesson to introduce students to the importance wind has on weather. Excerpted…
This resource is designed to be used in conjunction with the Restless Air Mini-Lesson. Use this resource as an…