This creative writing assignment challenges students to write from the perspective of an inanimate object. They will use…
Use a lesson that provides students with an opportunity to learn about the characters in a fable by investigating their…
Eyewitness Workbook Insect is an activity-packed exploration of insects and their world. Below you will find fast…
This science printable about plants challenges students to identify the parts of a seed and the stages of germination.
Educate pupils about the harmful effects of alcohol on the human body, and get them thinking about the dangers of…
Enrich your study of animals and ecosystems with this science activity. Students will use reference materials to…
Students learn about sharks and improve their reading comprehension skills with a nonfiction reading passage and…
Test students' knowledge of human physiology and the circulatory system with this printable. Have your class color and…
A creepy-crawly science project with legs! Students learn about ants and how they are able to locate food with this…
Gauge students' understanding of living things and the environment with this printable test about ecosystems and natural…
Before starting a unit on life science, give students this diagnostic test to assess their knowledge of plants, animals,…
This diagram of the human skeleton is a great review sheet for your students to keep track of the different parts of the…
Use the questions in this science printable to review the characteristics of living things.
Use this multiple-choice and written-response printable science exam in your classroom to your test students' knowledge…
Island of the Blue Dolphins tells the story of an American Indian girl stranded on an island, alone, for 18 years. This…
Test students' knowledge of plant structure and function with this printable science exam. Students will label the parts…
Increase alcohol and drug awareness with this science printable. Students will match types of drugs with their…
Insects live in a variety of habitats, but they prefer warm climates. Teach students about insect habitats—rainforest,…
This activity helps students understand that weather and climate are affected by many factors.
Use this educational worksheet to teach children about non-renewable and renewable energy resources. In this activity,…
Pupils will role-play elements of a food web to illustrate the connections in ecosystems. Then they will respond to…
Explore human body parts and systems with this science activity. Students will use reference materials to find the names…
The multiple-choice and written-response questions in this science exam will test students' knowledge and understanding…
The five major kingdoms of living organisms are reviewed in this activity. Lesson plan and background information are…