Develop students' map reading skills with this Earth science worksheet. After reading a paragraph about contour lines,…
Multiple-choice and written-response questions in this Earth science exam are used to test students' knowledge and…
Challenge your pupils' knowledge of the world's tallest mountain with this printable geography quiz about Mount Everest.
Test your pupils' knowledge about characteristics of the world's mountains with this printable geography quiz.
Use this printable crossword puzzle to review physical geology and key terms related to erosion.
The following table lists the approximate land area, highest elevation, and lowest elevation of the world's continents,…
All 14 of the world's tallest peaks are located in the Himalaya or the Karakoram ranges in Asia.
Learn about interesting caves and caverns of the world, including Aggtelek in Hungary, Blue Grotto in Italy, Kent's…
A chart listing the highest mountain peaks in the United States.
A brief explanation of the North American continental divide.
Students conduct an experiment to test methods of erosion control. Materials list, advance preparation instructions, lab…
Ask students to identify, label, and color the landforms made by glaciers in this picture.