Use the crossword puzzle and word scramble in this printable to review key physics terms about energy and work.
Review the definition of a compound machine with this physics worksheet. In this printable, students are asked to…
Read the passage in this printable to learn about calorimeters. Then, have students refer to the passage and diagram to…
Enrich your study of heat with the reading passage and questions in this printable. Based on the reading passage and…
This printable asks students to use data about specific heat to calculate the calories needed to increase the…
Review instances of thermal expansion and contraction with this physics printable. In a skill challenge, students will…
Integrate life science and physical science with the questions in this printable. To answer these questions about…
Assess students' knowledge and understanding of the waves with this science printable. Students will interpret diagrams…
Students will use the diagrams of different sound waves in this printable to answer questions about frequency and pitch.…
Students will practice classifying the objects in this printable about light as transparent, translucent, opaque,…
Integrate physics and botany with the questions in this science printable about evaporation, osmosis, and transpiration…
Review the process of cellular respiration with the questions and skill challenge in this printable. Students will be…
Explore connections in mathematics and science with this article on Parabolic Antennas.
Explore connections in mathematics and nature with this article on comets.
Explore connections in mathematics and nature with this article on buoyancy.
Enhance lessons on nuclear physics, machines, electricity, magnetism, and geophysics with the visual aids in this…
Use this energy survey with the School Energy Consumption lesson.
Educate students about natural resource conservation with this printable. Students will use reference materials and…
The Sun produces energy by nuclear reactions. Review this process and the work of Albert Einstein with the sentence…
The fill-in-the-blank questions in this physical science printable will help you gauge students' understanding of…
This printable about electricity challenges students to identify the properties of a wet cell and dry cell, and asks…
In this science printable, students will evaluate true/false statements about electric current, and identify…
Students will match key terms about electric circuits with their descriptions in this science printable. As a skill…
This printable challenges students to show the flow of current, and asks them to label the diagrams of electric…