Put Galileo's theories to the test with bricks and feathers! Introduce your pupils to the fundamentals of gravity with…
Will a bottlecap really float in salt water?Students will learn about density and surface tension with this printable…
Help students get a "handle" on understanding air pressure Students observe how different levels of air pressure affect…
Magnetism, electromagnetic induction, and other physics terms are reviewed in this vocabulary printable. Students are…
Learn about electricity in this "shocking" science experiment! In this hands-on science project, pupils build their own…
Use the clues to determine the appropriate scientific term for each blank in this fun crossword puzzle.
Gauge students' understanding of living things and the environment with this printable test about ecosystems and natural…
Albert Einstein is known for his Theory of Relativity and other discoveries. A biography on Einstein and related…
Students determine the hardness of two water samples, labeled only as A and B. Assesses their understanding of factors…
Prepare your class for understanding the subject of physics, with this printable book. Students will make motion graphs,…
Challenge students to use their knowledge of spring scales to answer written-response questions in this science…
Students model a circuit that connects four neighborhoods to a city's power plant. Tests their understanding of electric…
Connect creative writing and physical science with this printable activity. Students use their knowledge of density,…
Students will refer to the labeled diagram of a hydroelectric system in this physics printable to answer questions about…
Review the meaning of science terms with this vocabulary worksheet and word puzzle about chemical reactions.
Review the meaning of key science terms with this vocabulary worksheet and word puzzle about living things and the…
Students create a catalog that describes the characteristics of electromagnetic waves. Tests students' understanding of…
Match key terms with their definitions in this vocabulary worksheet about solutions. This physical science printable…
Review the meaning of physical science terms with the vocabulary worksheet and word puzzle about force in this…
Use this lab to teach your students how insulation can help to store heat.
Review the transfer of energy in the food chain through the questions and activity in this science printable. Students…
Introduce pupils to Newton's third law of motion with this hands-on science activity. Find out if additional rocket…
Students determine which types of mediums make the most effective ear protectors. Tests students' understanding of sound…
Evaluate true/false statements about alternate forms of energy from the Sun, wind, and water. Then draw a flowchart that…