Recommended books related to fables for classroom use.

Books to Use When Teaching Fables

Aesop's Fables
Retold by Anne Gatti.
Harcourt/Gulliver Books, 1992. (58 fables)

Aesop's Fables
Retold by Anne Terry White.
Random House, 1964. (40 fables)

Androcles and the Lion, and Other Aesop's Fables
Retold by Tom Paxton.
Morrow, 1991. (10 fables in rhymed verse)

Anno's Aesop: A Book of Fables by Aesop and Mr. Fox
Retold and illustrated by Mitsumasa Anno.
Orchard, 1989.

Belling the Cat, and Other Aesop's Fables
Retold by Tom Paxton.
Morrow, 1991. (10 fables in rhymed verse)

The Best of Aesop's Fables
Retold by Margaret Clark.
Little, Brown, 1990. (no morals given)

A Chinese Zoo: Fables and Proverbs
Adapted and illustrated by Demi.
Harcourt, 1987.

By Arnold Lobel

Fablesauce: Aesop Reinterpreted in Rhymed Couplets
Retold by Pat Lessie.
Haley's, 1999. (9 fables)

Feathers and Tails: Animal Fables from Around the World
Retold by David Kherdian.
Philomel, 1992.

The Hare and the Tortoise: A Fable from Aesop
Retold and illustrated by Helen Ward.
Millbrook 1999.

Once Upon Another: The Tortoise and the Hare
Retold by Suse McDonald and Bill Oakes.
Dial, 1990.

Rats on the Roof, and Other Stories
By James Marshall.
Dial, 1991.

Squids Will be Squids
By Jon Scieszka.
Viking, 1998.

The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse
Retold and illustrated by Helen Craig.
Candlewick, 1992.

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