Understanding Median, Mode, and Mean Answer Key
Name _________________________________________ Date ______________
While the rest of the country enjoys mild spring weather, Whateverville continues to suffer under Mayor Wallop's weather experiments. At last the town council brings him weather data from other cities to give him examples of normal weather patterns.
- Which city has the highest mean temperature? The lowest? (New Orleans, Anchorage)
- What can you notice about the median and mean? (They are very close together for all four cities.)
- What can you notice about the ranges? (The range is ten or less for all four cities.)
- If Whateverville is located in the center of the country, which city's weather is the most feasible model? (St. Louis)
- What advice would you give Mayor Wallop? (Temperature can only change a few degrees between days, small ranges, no temperatures which throw off the mean.)
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