Students will enjoy these games and activities grounded in fractions, algebra, arithmetic, geometry, and more. All of…
Graphic organizers help your students understand what they read better. Distribute the Math organizers and resources in…
Use a lesson that provides students with an opportunity to identify and apply median, mode, range, and mean.
Show students how to compute their own grades using the AVERAGE function in Microsoft Excel®. This computer lesson…
Explore connections in mathematics and music with this article on Mozart.
Students practice their problem-solving skills using the information in charts and graphs, and then create their own…
Give students practice with probability, graphs, and tables. In this math worksheet, students read tally tables and a…
Provide students with an in-class or take-home review with these printables. Students will be able to review math skills…
After teaching students to find averages, have them practice what they've learned by finding the average of each set of…
Probability is reviewed in this printable math worksheet. Children should realize that the more of a particular item…
Answer Key
Connect mathematics and social studies with activities for Do You Know What Time It Is? by Robert E. Wells (about…
Try this printable to help students practice problem-solving skills by analyzing the data represented on the two…
Follow the directions in this math printable to explore probability with dice, money, and socks.
Connect math and literature through supplementary activities for Sir Cumference and All the King's Tens, a fun book that…
Students are given the chance to design a fair game and an unfair game involving probability.
Use this packet of worksheets to review measurement and probability.
After reading "The Planet of Mars" by Shel Silverstein and The Planets in Our Solar System by Franklyn M. Branley,…
In this math worksheet, students use a probability line to find the likelihood of each event. Children should be…
Using probability lines, children evaluate the likelihood of each event and categorize their answers in this math…
Use this printable math daily warm-up to reinforce your students' skills with graphs, data, and probability.
Students explore probability by flipping a penny.
Students use the data in a chart on dog breeds to explore mean, median, and mode.
Students collect data from coin tosses and chart this information on a spreadsheet. Then, they create a graph and…