Explore Colonial Times through literature and corresponding activities and lessons. Discover resources related to three books by Kate Waters that detail the lives of Pilgrim children during the 1620's in Massachusetts, when America was first being settled. These books provide a great background for teaching the history of Thanksgiving.
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Internet Resources

Kate Waters' Biography
Grade Levels: Pre-K, Primary
Learn about Kate Waters' life in her own words at the Authors Online Library from Scholastic.

Virtual Tour of Plimoth Plantation
Grade Levels: All
See photos of reconstructed life in the 1627 village of Plimoth. This site is an outstanding source for information on Pilgrims and Wampanoags.

Plimoth 1621
Grade Levels: Primary, Intermediate, Middle, Secondary
Learn about the Pilgrims by reading interviews with people portraying inhabitants of Plimoth and a Wampanoag. A section on daily life in the Plimoth Village details the clothing, learning, housing, games, and chores of Pilgrim and Wampanoag children.

Books by Kate Waters

Lion Dancer: Ernie Wan's Chinese New Year
Publisher: Scholastic
Grade Level:
Primary, Intermediate
Six-year-old Ernie practices to perform his first Lion Dance on the Chinese New Year and the reader gets a close look at a Chinese household as the family supports Ernie's endeavors.

The Mysterious Horseman: An Adventure in Prairietown, 1836
Publisher: Scholastic
Grade Level:
Primary, Intermediate
Andrew McLure, a boy living in Prairietown (an imaginary pioneer town from the 19th century), overhears talk about a headless horseman and learns about Washington Irving's recently published Legend of Sleepy Hollow.

On the Mayflower: Voyage of the Ship's Apprentice & a Passenger Girl
Publisher: Scholastic
Grade Level:
Primary, Intermediate
Separated from their families, the main characters, William and Ellen, take care of one another as best they can on the treacherous journey across the Atlantic.

Samuel Eaton's Day: A Day in the Life of a Pilgrim Boy
Publisher: Scholastic
Grade Level:
Primary, Intermediate
Through vivid photographs and text, the reader experiences the typical tasks in the life of a Pilgrim boy.

Sarah Morton's Day: A Day in the Life of a Pilgrim Girl
Publisher: Scholastic
Grade Level:
Primary, Intermediate
Through vivid photographs and text, the reader experiences the typical tasks in the life of a Pilgrim girl.

The Story of the White House
Publisher: Scholastic
Grade Level:
Primary, Intermediate
The text and photographs of this book capture fascinating pieces of history and trivia about the White House.

Tapenum's Day: A Wampanoag Indian Boy in Pilgrim Times
Publisher: Scholastic
Grade Level:
Primary, Intermediate
Before Tapenum can become a warrior, he must learn how to make arrows and how to be patient. Through vivid photographs and text, the reader experiences a typical day in the life of a Wampanoag boy during Colonial times.

Featured 5th Grade Resources

Indoor Recess Choice Board Activities for Elementary


Indoor Recess Choice Board Activities for Elementary

This menu features a selection of simple and engaging student-choice indoor recess activities.

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Movement Activities for Elementary Students


Movement Activities for Elementary Students

Break up the day and get your students moving with these movement activities for elementary students.

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Simple STEAM Suggestions


Simple STEAM Suggestions

Bring Science,Technology, Engineering, Art and Math into the classroom with these fun, cross-curricular projects for ele...

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