These word problem worksheets will enhance students' skills with word problems while touching on other math concepts like addition, subtraction, decimals, and more.
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  • Addition & Subtraction Word Problems I
  • Use these word problems to give students practice adding and subtracting money and units of measure. Students will add or subtract three-, four-, and five-digit numbers to solve these real-life problems.

  • Addition & Subtraction Word Problems II
  • Help your students practice their addition and subtraction with these real life word problems with equations using money, time,
    and measurement.

  • Addition & Subtraction Word Problems III
  • Develop students' problem-solving skills with everyday word problems. Students will add and subtract money and units of measure to solve these problems.

  • Addition & Subtraction Word Problems IV
  • Students will apply addition and subtraction skills to real-life word problems involving measurements. Remind students to take care when units of measurement need to be converted.

  • Addition & Subtraction Word Problems V
  • Test students' arithmetic skills with real-life word problems involving units of measurement.Students must multiply, add, or subtract whole numbers, decimals, and fractions to solve the problems in this math worksheet.

  • Addition & Subtraction Word Problems VI
  • To solve the equations in these worksheets students will need to implement addition and subtraction to multi digit problems.

  • Decimal Word Problems I
  • Apply math skills to real-life problems involving decimals, money, and measurement. Students need to choose the operation (multiplication, division, addition, or subtraction) to solve each word problem. Most of these word problems require two steps to solve.

  • Decimal Word Problems II
  • These real-life word problems involve decimals, money, and measurement. Students need to choose the operation (multiplication, addition, or subtraction) to solve each word problem. One of these word problems requires two steps to solve.

  • Distance & Speed Word Problems I
  • Gives students practice using multiplication and division to solve word problems. To solve the problems in this math worksheet, students will use variations of the formula Distance = Speed x Time.

  • Distance & Speed Word Problems II
  • To solve these speed word problems, students use the information given and variations of the formula Distance = Speed x Time. This math worksheet gives students practice multiplying, dividing, and working with formulas.

  • Elapsed Time
  • How much time has elapsed? Students use their understanding of time to track changes in hours or minutes for each word problem in this math worksheet.

  • Money Word Problems I
  • These word problems test students' ability to choose the operation required to solve real-life problems involving money.

  • Money Word Problems II
  • These word problems use money in real-life scenarios. Students must choose the operation (addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division) required to solve each problem.

  • Real-Life Multiplication Word Problems
  • Apply multiplication skills to real-life problems. To solve these word problems, students write and solve multiplication problems. Some of the problems in this worksheet involve money.

  • Word Problems Involving Time I
  • These word problems involving time require students to add or subtract hours and minutes. Students must remember that hours are based on units of 60 rather than 10.

  • Word Problems Involving Time II
  • These real-life word problems require students to multiply or divide units of time (minutes, hours, or days).

  • Word Problems with Percentages & Fractions
  • To solve these real-life word problems, students convert fractions to percentages, write percentages as fractions, and multiply whole numbers and fractions.

  • Word Problems: Choose the Operation I
  • Choose the operation (addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division) to complete the word problems in this math worksheet.

  • Word Problems: Choose the Operation II
  • This printable gives students practice using arithmetic to solve real-life problems involving units of measurement.

  • Word Problems: Choose the Operation III
  • To solve the word problems in this worksheet, students must choose which operation they need to use.

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