Take a look inside our printable book "Maps & Activities (Grades 4-12)," with this sneak peek slideshow. With this slideshow, you'll see some of the many maps and geography-related activities inside the printable book, including games, puzzles, political maps, and more!
Map Features
Use this printable reference sheet to help students understand map features.
Map of Africa
Use a printable outline map that depicts Africa to help your students improve their geography skills.
Map of Antarctica
Use a printable outline map that depicts Antarctica.
Geography Twenty Questions
This printable game has students use
Geography Flash Cards to test their knowledge of geographical terms, the world, and the United States.
Find the Continents and Oceans
Handout a printable geography activity that asks students to locate the continents and the oceans on a world map.
Quiz: Know Your States
Assess students' knowledge of the United States by asking them to match numbers with states with a printable quiz.
Mountain West
Print this outline map of the mountain west area of the United States.
Map of Midwest United States
Use a printable outline map that depicts the Midwest region of the United States to help your students improve their geography skills.
Map Spy: North America
Handout a printable activity that asks students to find the differences between two maps of North America.
Maps & Activities Printable Book (Grades 4-12)
If you enjoyed this slideshow, you'll love what you'll find in printable book! There are many more geography activities and maps inside. The book is only available to subscribers, so to see more
sign up for a free-trial membership today!