Variety of genres and interesting activities for all reading levels

Help your students retain the reading skills the worked on so hard during the year by assigning or suggesting any of these classic summer reading titles. Complete with enrichment activities to help reinforce learned skills and build new ones in time for the start of school!
Amina's Voice by Hena Khan

Amina's Voiceby Hena KhanALSC 2018 Summer Selection

Amina has never been comfortable in the spotlight. She is happy just hanging out with her best friend, Soojin. Except now that she’s in middle school everything feels different. Soojin is suddenly hanging out with Emily, one of the “cool” girls in the class, and even talking about changing her name to something more “American.” Does Amina need to start changing too? Or hiding who she is to fit in? While Amina grapples with these questions, she is devastated when her local mosque is vandalized. Amina’s Voice brings to life the joys and challenges of a young Pakistani American and highlights the many ways in which one girl’s voice can help bring a diverse community together to love and support each other.
Extension Activities
Snow White: A Graphic Novel by Matt Phelan

Snow White: A Graphic Novelby Matt Phelan

The scene: New York City. The dazzling lights cast shadows that grow ever darker as the glitzy prosperity of the Roaring Twenties screeches to a halt. Enter a cast of familiar characters: a young girl, Samantha White, returning after being sent away by her cruel stepmother, the Queen of the Follies, years earlier; her father, the King of Wall Street, who survives the stock market crash only to suffer a strange and sudden death; seven street urchins, brave protectors for a girl as pure as snow; and a mysterious stock ticker that holds the stepmother in its thrall, churning out ticker tape imprinted with the wicked words “Another . . . More Beautiful . . . KILL.” In a moody, cinematic new telling of a beloved fairy tale, extraordinary graphic novelist Matt Phelan captures the essence of classic film noir on the page—and draws a striking distinction between good and evil.
Extension Activities
The Magician's Elephant by Kate DiCamillo

The Magician's Elephantby Kate DiCamillo

When a fortuneteller's tent appears in the market square of the city of Baltese, orphan Peter Augustus Duchene knows the questions that he needs to ask: Does his sister still live? And if so, how can he find her? The fortuneteller's mysterious answer (an elephant! An elephant will lead him there!) sets off a chain of events so remarkable, so impossible, that you will hardly dare to believe it’s true. Bestselling author Kate DiCamillo conjures a haunting fable about trusting the unexpected – and making the extraordinary come true.
Extension Activities
The Lion, The Witch, and The Warddrobe

The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobeby C.S.Lewis

Follow Lucy, Edmund, Susan, and Peter into the fantasy world of Narnia where they encounter a witch, a lion, and many exciting adventures. The book is from The Chronicles of Narnia series, which your students will love reading from start to finish.
Study Guide and Activities

Milkweedby Jerry Spinelli

Newbery Medal-winning author Jerry Spinelli paints a vivid picture of the streets of the Nazi-occupied Warsaw during World War II, as seen through the eyes of a young, heartbreakingly naive orphan known as Misha. Readers will love Misha the dreamer and his wonderfully poetic observations of the world around him, his instinct to befriend a Jewish girl and her family, his impulse to steal food for a local orphanage and his friends in the ghetto, and his ability to delight in small things - even surrounded by the horror of the Holocaust.
Study Guide and Activities

Homesick: My Own Storyby Jean Fritz

Jean Fritz wrote a compelling story about her youth in the China of the mid 1920's, a period of great turmoil. Jean's own family suffers the loss of her younger sister, as well as other hardships. Eventually, the family resettles in the United States, a country that Jean has only heard about.
Study Guide and Activities
The Diary of a Young Girlby Anne Frank

The Diary of a Young Girlby Anne Frank

Born on June 12, 1929, Anne Frank was a Jewish girl in her teens when she was forced to go into hiding during the Holocaust. She and her family, along with four others, spent 25 months during World War II in an annex of rooms above her father's office in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Her diary, saved during the war by one of the family's helpers, Miep Gies, was first published in 1947.
Study Guide and Activities
Dork Diaries Series by Rachel Renee Russell

Dork Diaries Seriesby Rachel Renee Russell

This collectible boxed set chronicles the oh-so-fabulous life of Nikki Maxwell as she navigates the halls of middle school, mean girls, BFF drama, and first crushes. From the first not-so-fabulous adventure, to the interactive How to Dork Your Diary, to the latest pet-sitting catastrophe, these books are filled with dorktastic fun!
Extension Activities
How to Eat Fried Worms

How to Eat Fried Wormsby Thomas Rockwell

Include more protein in your diet - add worms! How to Eat Fried Worms has been grossing out children and adults since 1973. This is the story of Billy, a ten-year-old who takes a bet that he will eat 15 worms in 15 days - all for $50. The good part is the variety of ways Billy's friends cook up and dress up the worms.
Study Guide and Activities

Featured Middle School Resources

Test Prep Strategies and Practice for Students


Test Prep Strategies, Tools, and Practice Questions

Help set your students up for academic success with this packet of test-taking tips, test preparation strategies, and pr...

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Exit Tickets for Middle School Classrooms


Exit Tickets for Middle School Classrooms

Exit tickets are a form of assessment that are often used informally to assess how well students grasped a lesson, what ...

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Geography Activities for Middle School


Geography Activities for Middle School

Help students explore the world and develop their geography knowledge with this packet of geography activities for middl...

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Report Card Comments and Phrases


Report Card Comments & Phrases—Science

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Report Card Comments & Phrases—Social Studies

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Out of Wonder by Kwame Alexander


Summer Reading (Grades 3-5)

Summer reading for grades 3-5, with activities! Pick any book from this list of the best kids' books and your students ...

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Make Way for Ducklings


Summer Reading (Grades K-2)

Classic kids' books for summer reading - with activities for family learning! Pick any book from this list of the best ...

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Teacher tips for saving money


Money-Saving Tips for Teachers

Money-Saving Tips for Teachersby Holly PoulosAccording to a survey conducted by the National School Supply and Equipment...

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