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Title: The Doctor He Begged to Be
Author: A. McDonald Vaz
Publisher: Dorrance Publishing Co., Inc., 643 Smithfield Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15222; 1996
ISBN #: ISBN-0-8059-3815-X
Disability: Dyslexia
Story Profile: Garth Vaz is a Jamaican man with dyslexia who wanted to be a physician. His brother tells of his struggles during his two attempts at the University of Florida College of Medicine, and the challenges he faced including neurological, physical, financial, marital, and racial obstacles.
Reading Level: A
Title: The Me in the Mirror
Author: Connie Panzarino
Publisher: Seal Press, 3131 Western Avenue, Suite 410, Seattle, WA
98121-1028; 1994
ISBN #: ISBN-1-878067-45-1
Disability: Physical Disabilities
Story Profile: Connie Panzarino is a woman with Spinal Muscular Atrophy Type III. She tells of her struggles and triumphs, relationships with family, her turn to lesbianism, and her pioneering work in the disability rights movement.
Reading Level: A
Title: The Silents
Author: Charlotte Abrams
Publisher: Gallaudet University Press, 800 Florida Avenue, NE, Washington,
DC 20002-3695; 1996
ISBN #: ISBN-1-56368-055-6
Disability: Deafness
Story Profile: Charlotte writes her autobiography about day-to-day life with her deaf parents. She describes the communication challenges they faced as a Jewish family overcoming the Depression and the hardships of World War II, as well as the additional challenge and fear the mother faced when she found out she was going blind.
Reading Level: A
Title: Under the Eye of the Clock: The Life Story of Christopher Nolan
Author: Christopher Nolan
Publisher: St. Martins Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010; 1988
ISBN #: ISBN-0-312-01266-7
Disability: Cerebral Palsy
Story Profile: The author, a 21-year-old Irishman severely disabled by cerebral palsy, tells the story of his childhood and how he must cope with his handicap, revealing the thoughts and realities of his world.
Reading Level: A