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Bibliography for Including Students with Disabilities

From the The ERIC Clearinghouse on Disabilities and Gifted Education
Bauer, Anne M. and Shea, Thomas M. (1999). Inclusion 101: How To Teach All Learners. Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co., PO Box 10624, Baltimore, MD 21285-0624. 324 pp.
This book is designed to help educators provide effective instruction to students with disabilities in inclusive classrooms. Included topics include: concepts of inclusive society, schools, classrooms and services; legal foundations for inclusion and government support for education; qualities of inclusive schools and classrooms; individualized educational programming, assessment and diagnosis of problem situations and prescriptive teaching. Topics also addressed: the organization and management of inclusive schools and classrooms; structuring programs for all learners; individual strategies for designing and implementing comprehensive interventions and moving learners from restrictive to inclusive classrooms.

Booth, Tony and Ainscow, Mel. (Eds.) (1998). From Them to Us: An International Study of Inclusion in Education. Routledge, 11 New Fetter Lane, London, EC4P 4EE, England; 29 West 35th Street, NY, NY 10001. 271 pp.
This book describes the outcomes of a comparative study that brought together an international team of researchers from eight countries (United States, Scotland, New Zealand, Norway, the Netherlands, Ireland, Australia, and England). The purpose of the study was to develop case studies that would explore the process of inclusion and exclusion within a school or group of schools set in its local and national context. Included are classroom observations, the students' experiences of the school day, and interviews with staff, students, parents, and school governors. Differences and similarities within and between countries are discussed.

Cavallaro, Claire C. and Haney, Michele. (1999). Preschool Inclusion. Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co., PO Box 10624, Baltimore, MD 21285-0624. 399pp.
This resource guide provides field-tested, research-based strategies for including young children with disabilities in early childhood programs. It is designed to help preservice and in-service educators, Head Start personnel, and child care providers with information to promote inclusion in children's earliest social and educational experiences. The guide includes information on special education and a description of the CHIME model of inclusion in early education programs, guidelines and specific strategies, including assessment and observation; strategies for facilitating children's participation and social integration; strategies for supporting positive behavior and strategies for monitoring and evaluating children's progress. Appendices include reproducible forms for assessment and planning and a list of resources.

Conti-D'Antonio, Marcia, Bertrando, Robert, and Eisenberger, Joanne. (1998). Supporting Students with Learning Needs in the Block. Eye on Education, 6 Depot Way West, Suite 106, Larchmont, NY 10538. 164 pp.
This book, written for both regular and special education teachers illustrates how block schedules offer opportunities for students who are at-risk, have disabilities, are gifted, or are otherwise in need of support. The first part of the book discusses how school districts can successfully meet the challenges of inclusion in a block schedule and provides specific information on how content and support teachers can share responsibilities in inclusive classrooms. Specific chapters address: schedules that support students with learning needs; choosing the most effective teaching methodology; cooperative planning between support teachers and content teachers; supporting and including students' achievements; incorporating the most effective methodology in an extended period; and teaching structures. Appendices include examples of checklists, model forms, and student handouts.

Fisher, Douglas, Sax, Caren, and Pumpian, Ian. (1999). Inclusive High Schools: Learning from Contemporary Classrooms. Paul Brookes Publishing Co., PO Box 10624, Baltimore, MD 21285-0624. 209 pp.
Addressing both processes and outcomes, this book provides a framework for developing inclusive high schools, illustrated by detailed accounts of high schools that have struggled, strategized and ultimately achieved success. Themes discussed include building crucial school-based relationships; developing support strategies; communicating responsibilities; preparing for the classroom, establishing continuity; adapting curricula; and redistributing school resources.

Giangreco, Michael F., Cloniger, Chigee J., and Iverson, Virginia Salce. (1998). Coach: Choosing Outcomes and Accommodations for Children: A Guide to Educational Planning for Students with Disabilities. Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co., PO Box 10624, Baltimore, MD 21285-0624. 379 pp.
This guide presents a planning tool designed to identify the contents of an educational program for a student with disability and strategies of implementing this program in general education setting and activities. The Choosing Outcomes and Accommodations for Children (COACH) method is a set of field-tested steps that turn ideas about inclusive education into actions that parents and professionals can take. The guide discusses the benefits of COACH, the conceptualization of educational planning for students with disabilities who are in general education, and the principles that form the basis of COACH.

Jorgensen, Cheryl M. (1998). Restructuring High Schools for All Students: Taking Inclusion to the Next Level. Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co., PO Box 10624, Baltimore, MD 21285-0624. 273 pp.
The ten papers in this collection present practical examples of the inclusion of students with disabilities in restructured high schools. The topics include: a rationale for inclusive high schools, finding common ground between inclusive education and school reform, innovative scheduling, lesson planning, self-determination for all students, and helping students plan for the future.

Khalsa, SiriNam S. (1999). The Inclusive Classroom: A Practical Guide for Educators. Good Year Books, 1900 East Lake Avenue, Glenview, IL 60025. 174 pp.
This book offers educators, parents, administrators, and other school personnel in the elementary and lower middle-school grades a basic understanding of what is involved in making inclusion work. There is an explanation of the types of disabilities and other factors determining achievement, reasons for trying inclusion, and factors in determining whether inclusion is appropriate. Recent research findings are provided on how to address students' different learning styles and multiple intelligence in the classroom.

Kochhar, Carol A. and West, Lynda L. (1996), Handbook for Successful Inclusion. Aspen Publishers, Inc., 20 Orchard Ridge Drive, Suite 200, Gaithersburg MD 20878 (800) 638-8437 220 pp.
This manual is intended to help regular and special educators and related professionals to better serve special learners in inclusive settings through identifying practical strategies for the classroom and school, and techniques for overcoming barriers to inclusion. The manual is written in a question-answer format. Chapters address such issues as: strategies for overcoming barriers to inclusion, assessment of student needs for instruction, assessment of readiness for inclusion staff development needs, class size, curriculum modifications, interdisciplinary teams, and promotion of parent participation. A key feature is a 10-step approach to implementing inclusion, from conducting a needs assessment through identifying technical assistance resources, and use of evaluation information for improvement. Worksheets and transparencies keyed to the 10-step approach and a sample staff development plan are provided.

Lewis, Rena B. and Doorlag, Donald H. (1999). Teaching Special Students in General Education Classrooms. Prentice-Hall Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. 519 pp.
This text is intended to prepare teachers to effectively teach the range of students, including students with disabilities found in the typical elementary or secondary classroom. This edition features discussion of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Amendments of 1997; inclusion; collaboration and the team approach; instructional adaptations for students with attention deficit disorder (ADHD) or traumatic brain injury, strategies for inclusion of students with severe disabilities; classroom modifications for students with autism; and technology resources. Instructional methods for specific types of special students, communication disorders, physical and health impairments, visual and hearing impairments, autism, and traumatic brain injuries are also included.

Lipsky, Dorothy K. and Gartner, Alan. (1997). Inclusion and School Reform: Transforming America's Classrooms. Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co., PO Box 10624, Baltimore, MD. 414 pp.
This book examines the history of education of students with disabilities and the impact of educational reform. It begins with an examination of the current special education system with a view at racial, social and gender inequities; costs, parental advocacy and the disability rights movement. Subsequent sections include a national overview of inclusive, program implementation, instructional strategies, the need for school restructuring, and advocates' responses to inclusive education.

Power-deFur, Lissa A. and Orelove, Fred P. (1997). Inclusive Education: Practical Implementation of the Least Restrictive Environment. Aspen Publishers, Inc., 20 Orchard Ridge Drive, Suite 200, Gaithersburg, MD 20878 (800) 638-8437. 361 pp.
Beginning with a comprehensive overview of inclusive education, this book provides a context for discussions of theoretical and practical aspects: planning, implementing, and evaluating inclusive education; financial and legal concerns; family partnerships; interagency collaboration; and staff developmental activities. Also discussed are strategies for inclusion in early childhood and elementary education, and of specific disability groups, such as students with dyslexia, deafness, and behavioral challenges.

Turnbull, Ann, Turnbull, Rud, Shank, Marilyn, and Leal, Dorothy. (1999). Exceptional Lives: Special Education in Today's Schools. Prentice-Hall, Inc. (Imprint of Simon & Schuster, A Viacom Company). Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. 778 pp.
This introductory text in special education emphasizes such principles as building on student strengths, individual empowerment, inclusion in all aspects of school life, and collaboration among all involved-students, families, teachers, other professionals and the community. The text begins with three introductory chapters that lay the foundation and give an historical perspective to today's schools, followed by 13 chapters, each describing a category of exceptionality including vignettes, categorical information, evaluation procedures, issues for professionals, examples of inclusion, program options, a vision for the future, and summaries and resources.

Zionts, Paul. (Ed.) (1997). Inclusion Strategies for Students with Learning and Behavioral Problems: Perspectives, Experiences, and Best Practices. PRO-ED, Inc., 8700 Shoal Creek Blvd., Austin, TX 78758-6897. 416 pp.
This is a compilation of 15 essays by various authors, grouped into two categories: "Perspectives and Experiences" and "Best Practices." Subsections include: "Inclusion: Chasing the Impossible Dream? Maybe," "Responsible Inclusion: Key Components for Success," "Collaboration: Strategies for Building Successful Teams," "But He's Severely Disabled! How Can He Be in Kindergarten?," "Inclusive Practices for Preschoolers with Disabilities," Insights on Teaching and Raising a Child with a Disability," and "Managing Resistance: Looking Beyond the Child and Into the Mirror".


Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD), Educating all Students; Strategies for the Classroom; Profiles of Successful Students. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 1703 N. Beauregard St., Alexandria, VA 22311-1714.
This three-volume set of videos is designed to provide teachers, administrators and other professionals with an overview of successful inclusionary practices including regular and special education collaboration, implementing classroom accommodations and other related topics. Videos feature students of a variety of different age and educational levels.

Council of Administrators of Special Education. (1993). Two Faces of Inclusion: The Concept and the Practice. Phi Delta Kappa International. PO Box 789, 408 North Union, Bloomington, IN. (800) 766-1156.
This video combines the thoughts of leading scholars with the actions and advice of practicing teachers, principals, parents, and leading special education administrators. In an informal conversational format, the narrator gets to the heart of the "inclusion" debate and suggests how to start and maintain the momentum to change teaching and learning for all students.

Council of Administrators of Special Education. (1993). Facing Inclusion Together. Phi Delta Kappa International. PO Box 789, 408 North Union, Bloomington, IN. Stock #FIV (sold as a set with Two Faces of Inclusion, listed above).
This video depicts collaboration and the co-teaching of professionals from regular and special education. Strategies appropriate for elementary, middle school, and high school are presented. Specific attention is given to negotiating new relationships between teachers, the shared ownership of classrooms, and the issues teachers and related service staff have overcome in supporting students at their schools.

Jacobs, Geralyn M. and Wounded Head, Joanne. (1997). Inclusion: Celebrating Children's Success. University of South Dakota, Div. of Curriculum and Instruction, 414 E. Clark St., Vermillion, SD 57069-2390.
This 35-minute video presents barriers and challenges for including young children with disabilities in inclusive settings. The benefits of inclusion for children with and without disabilities, and for their families are described. Actual footage of children in the classroom provides the background for discussing effective early intervention strategies. Interviews with professionals and parents from schools that are successfully implementing inclusion emphasize the importance of teamwork.

Lipsky, Dorothy K. and Gartner, Alan. (1998). Standards & Inclusion: Can We Have Both? National Professional Resources, Inc., 25 South Regent Street, Port Chester, NY 10573. (800) 453-7461.
Designed for regular and special educators, this video profiles inclusive schools that have successfully incorporated academic standards. It addresses critical issues facing educators who are supporting students with disabilities in inclusive settings. Topics discussed include: consequences of higher standards, seven factors of successful inclusion, reauthorization of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and the implication for schools, and restructuring existing schools. The video stresses collaboration between regular and special education teachers and supports the idea that all children benefit from good inclusive practices.

Compiled by Barbara R. Sorenson

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