Review facts about U.S. presidents, a great worksheet to use during the presidential elections process.

Know the Presidents

Name _____________________________ Date_______________

Use the Presidents of the United States chart to answer the following questions:

  1. Who was the youngest president when taking office?

  2. Who was the oldest president when taking office?

  3. How many Democrats have served as president?

  4. How many Republicans have served as president?

  5. Who were the presidents that were impeached?

  6. Who was the only president to resign?

  7. Who served two terms but not consecutively?

  8. Who was president for the longest time period?

  9. Who was president when the United States entered World War II?

  10. Who was the last Whig president?

BONUS: Name the presidents in your lifetime.

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  Name and (party)1 Term State ofbirth Born Died Religion2 Age ...

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