Help children understand and appreciate Hanukkah, a Jewish holiday of hope and survival. Grades: K 1 2 3 4 Holidays: Hanukkah December Holidays Holidays Type: Activities Editor's Collections Worksheets ADD TO FAVORITES Hide lower priority columns Add to Folder creative writing children's book activities classroom tools language arts and writing vocabulary Create new folderCREATE NEW FOLDER Hanukkah (or Chanukah), the Jewish Festival of Lights Teach children about Hanukkah with these activities. Check out more for classroom ideas. Making a Hanukkah Card In this art activity, children make their own Hanukkah cards using a candle pattern. Check out more for classroom ideas. Clay Hanukkah Menorah Students make a clay menorah as a way of learning about Hanukkah. Check out more for classroom ideas. Create a Menorah Gallery In this holiday arts and crafts lesson, students create unique menorahs for Hanukkah. Check out more for classroom ideas.