Use this graphic organizer to describe and order the steps in a process. This printable is customizable. Tailor the PDF to your teaching needs by typing in the highlighted fields before printing.
Provided by Scott Foresman, an imprint of Pearson, the world's leading elementary educational publisher. Its line of educational resources supports teachers and helps schools and districts meet demands for adequate yearly progress and reporting.
Featured 5th Grade Resources
Indoor Recess Choice Board Activities for Elementary
This menu features a selection of simple and engaging student-choice indoor recess activities.
Movement Activities for Elementary Students
Break up the day and get your students moving with these movement activities for elementary students.
Simple STEAM Suggestions
Bring Science,Technology, Engineering, Art and Math into the classroom with these fun, cross-curricular projects for ele...
Related Resources
The Portfolio Process
The Portfolio Process The process of facilitating successful student portfolios can be broken into four steps: collecti...
Developing Measurement Concepts: The Meaning & Process of Measurement
Learn how to help your third, fourth, or fifth grade students understand the meaning and process of measurement with thi...
Cyberbullying: Communication, Recognition and Action Steps
Use this colorful printable to teach children 3 strategies for recognizing and dealing with cyberbullying.
Peace Process (Primary)
This activity from Breathe For Change introduces students to the Peace Process, a four-step process that helps students ...
Step by Step
Increase reading abilities with an activity that build skills in following directions.
Step Up to the Plate
Students create a mobile by sequencing drawings of events from story.