Playing Prehistorics
Here's a play for 13 children. You can easily add or subtract lines if you havemore or fewer students.Child 1: Hi dinosaurs! What are your names?
Child 2: We are all Brontosaurus dinosaurs.
Child 3: We are giant-size dinosaurs.
Child 4: When we walk the ground shakes.
Child 5: We sound like thunder. Listen!
(One of the children plays a drum and all the Brontosaurus' plod out.)
Enter four more dinosaurs.
Child 1: Hi dinosaurs! What are your names?
Child 6: We are all Stegosaurus dinosaurs.
Child 7: We have large plates on our backs. (Pats back.)
Child 8: We have 4 sharp spikes on our tails. (Extends arm and puts up four fingers.)
Child 9: Our brains are only the size of a walnut. (Child makes a circle with his orher forefinger and thumb.)
Children exit swishing extended arm with four fingers in the air.
Enter four more dinosaurs.
Child 1: Hi dinosaurs! What are your names?
Child 10: We are all Tyrannosaurus Rex dinosaurs.
Child 11: We are the Kings of the dinosaurs.
Child 12: Everyone is afraid of us.We are as tall as a house.
Child 13: We are going out for a dinosaur dinner tonight. Do you want to come?
Child 1: NO THANKS! (Exits.)
Tyrannosaurus' shake each others' hands and exit.
Excerpt from Preschool Teacher's Month-by-Month Activities Program.